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Verified Commit a655d8dc authored by Lukas Jezek's avatar Lukas Jezek
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doh2: restricts endpoints to doh and dns-query

parent 8ed646c5
1 merge request!1104doh2: restricts endpoints to doh and dns-query
Pipeline #73173 failed with stages
in 42 minutes and 56 seconds
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Knot Resolver X.Y.X (yyyy-mm-dd)
- fix map() command on 32-bit platforms; regressed in 5.2.0 (!1093)
- doh2: restrict endpoints to doh and dns-query (#636, !1104)
Knot Resolver 5.2.0 (2020-11-11)
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "lib/layer/iterate.h" /* kr_response_classify */
#include "lib/cache/util.h"
#include "contrib/cleanup.h"
#include "contrib/base64url.h"
#define MAKE_NV(K, KS, V, VS) \
......@@ -130,6 +131,72 @@ static int send_data_callback(nghttp2_session *h2, nghttp2_frame *frame, const u
return 0;
* Check endpoint and uri path
static int check_uri(const char* uri_path)
static const char key[] = "dns=";
static const char *delim = "&";
static const char *endpoins[] = {"dns-query", "doh"};
char *beg;
char *end_prev;
ssize_t endpoint_len;
ssize_t ret;
if (!uri_path)
return kr_error(EINVAL);
auto_free char *path = malloc(sizeof(*path) * (strlen(uri_path) + 1));
if (!path)
return kr_error(ENOMEM);
memcpy(path, uri_path, strlen(uri_path));
path[strlen(uri_path)] = '\0';
char *query_mark = strstr(path, "?");
/* calculating of endpoint_len - for POST or GET method */
endpoint_len = (query_mark) ? query_mark - path - 1 : strlen(path) - 1;
/* check endpoint */
ret = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(endpoins)/sizeof(*endpoins); i++)
if (strlen(endpoins[i]) != endpoint_len)
ret = strncmp(path + 1, endpoins[i], strlen(endpoins[i]));
if (!ret)
if (ret) /* no endpoint found */
return -1;
if (endpoint_len == strlen(path) - 1) /* done for POST method */
return 0;
/* go over key:value pair */
beg = strtok(query_mark + 1, delim);
if (beg) {
while (beg != NULL) {
if (!strncmp(beg, key, 4)) { /* dns variable in path found */
end_prev = beg + strlen(beg);
beg = strtok(NULL, delim);
if (beg-1 != end_prev) { /* detect && */
return -1;
if (!beg) { /* no dns variable in path */
return -1;
return 0;
* Process a query from URI path if there's base64url encoded dns variable.
......@@ -217,7 +284,6 @@ static int header_callback(nghttp2_session *h2, const nghttp2_frame *frame,
struct http_ctx *ctx = (struct http_ctx *)user_data;
int32_t stream_id = frame->hd.stream_id;
if (frame->hd.type != NGHTTP2_HEADERS)
return 0;
......@@ -229,6 +295,11 @@ static int header_callback(nghttp2_session *h2, const nghttp2_frame *frame,
if (!strcasecmp(":path", (const char *)name)) {
if (check_uri((const char *)value) < 0) {
refuse_stream(h2, stream_id);
return 0;
ctx->uri_path = malloc(sizeof(*ctx->uri_path) * (valuelen + 1));
if (!ctx->uri_path)
return kr_error(ENOMEM);
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ else
local function start_server()
local request = require('http.request')
local ssl_ctx = require('openssl.ssl.context')
uri_templ = string.format('https://%s:%d/dns_query', host, port)
uri_templ = string.format('https://%s:%d/dns-query', host, port)
req_templ = assert(request.new_from_uri(uri_templ))
req_templ.headers:upsert('content-type', 'application/dns-message')
req_templ.ctx =
0% or .
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