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Commit ffc0d8f8 authored by Aleš Mrázek's avatar Aleš Mrázek
Browse files

manager: datamodel: views render to Lua

parent 3722a428
1 merge request!1313manager: datamodel improvements
......@@ -13,16 +13,15 @@ network:
- interface:
# views:
# - subnets: [, "::/0" ]
# answer: refused
# - subnets: [, "::/0" ]
# tags: [t01, t02, t03]
# options:
# minimize: true # default
# dns64: true # default
# - subnets: [] # can be single value
# answer: allow
- subnets: []
tags: [t01, t02, t03]
dns64: false
- subnets: [, "::/0" ]
answer: refused
- subnets: []
answer: allow
# local-data:
# ttl: 1d
{% if not cfg.lua.script_only %}
-- FFI library
local C = require('ffi').C
-- hostname
hostname('{{ cfg.hostname }}')
......@@ -25,7 +28,7 @@'{{ cfg.nsid }}_' ..
{% include "network.lua.j2" %}
-- VIEWS section ------------------------------------
{# {% include "views.lua.j2" %} #}
{% include "views.lua.j2" %}
-- LOCAL-DATA section -------------------------------
{# {% include "local_data.lua.j2" %} #}
{% macro quotes(string) -%}
'{{ string }}'
{%- endmacro %}
{# Return string or table of strings #}
{% macro string_table(table) -%}
{%- if table is string -%}
......@@ -37,13 +37,7 @@ policy.slice_randomize_psl()
{% macro policy_flags(flags) -%}
{%- if flags is string -%}
'{{ flags.upper().replace("-", "_")|string }}'
{%- else -%}
{%- for flag in flags|list -%}
'{{ flag.upper().replace("-", "_") }}',
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
{{- flags -}}
{%- endmacro %}
......@@ -2,25 +2,21 @@
assert(C.kr_view_insert_action('{{ subnet }}',{{ action }})==0)
{%- endmacro %}
{% macro view_options_flags(options) -%}
{%- if not options.minimize -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- if not options.dns64 -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% macro view_flags(options) -%}
{% if not options.minimize -%}
{%- endif %}
{% if not options.dns64 -%}
{%- endif %}
{%- endmacro %}
{% macro view_answer(answer) -%}
{%- if answer == 'allow' -%}
{%- elif answer == 'refused' -%}
{%- elif answer == 'noanswer' -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro %}
{% from 'macros/view_macros.lua.j2' import view_insert_action, view_options_flags, view_answer %}
{% from 'macros/policy_macros.lua.j2' import policy_tags_assign %}
local C = require('ffi').C
{% from 'macros/common_macros.lua.j2' import quotes %}
{% from 'macros/view_macros.lua.j2' import view_insert_action, view_flags, view_answer %}
{% from 'macros/policy_macros.lua.j2' import policy_flags, policy_tags_assign %}
{% if cfg.views %}
{% for view in cfg.views %}
{% for subnet in view.subnets %}
{% if view.tags -%}
{{ view_insert_action(subnet, policy_tags_assign(view.tags)) }}
{% elif view.answer -%}
{% elif view.answer %}
{{ view_insert_action(subnet, view_answer(view.answer)) }}
{%- endif %}
{{ view_insert_action(subnet, view_options_flags(view.options)) }}
{%- set flags = view_flags(view.options) -%}
{% if flags -%}
{{ view_insert_action(subnet, quotes(policy_flags(flags))) }}
{%- endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
from typing import List, Optional, Union
from typing import List, Optional
from typing_extensions import Literal
from knot_resolver_manager.utils.modeling import ConfigSchema
from knot_resolver_manager.datamodel.types import IDPattern, IPNetwork
......@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ class ViewSchema(ConfigSchema):
options: Configuration options for clients identified by the view.
subnets: Optional[Union[List[IPNetwork], IPNetwork]]
subnets: List[IPNetwork]
tags: Optional[List[IDPattern]] = None
answer: Optional[Literal["allow", "refused", "noanswer"]] = None
options: ViewOptionsSchema = ViewOptionsSchema()
......@@ -16,18 +16,6 @@ def test_policy_add():
assert tmpl.render(rule=rule, postrule=True) == f"policy.add({rule},true)"
def test_policy_flags():
flags: List[PolicyFlagEnum] = ["no-cache", "no-edns"]
tmpl_str = """{% from 'macros/policy_macros.lua.j2' import policy_flags %}
{{ policy_flags(flags) }}"""
tmpl = template_from_str(tmpl_str)
assert tmpl.render(flags=flags[1]) == f"policy.FLAGS({{'{flags[1].upper().replace('-', '_')}'}})"
assert (
tmpl.render(flags=flags) == f"policy.FLAGS({{{str(flags).upper().replace('-', '_').replace(' ', '')[1:-1]},}})"
def test_policy_tags_assign():
tags: List[str] = ["t01", "t02", "t03"]
tmpl_str = """{% from 'macros/policy_macros.lua.j2' import policy_tags_assign %}
......@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@ def test_view_insert_action():
assert tmpl.render(subnet=subnet, action=action) == f"assert(C.kr_view_insert_action('{ subnet }',{ action })==0)"
def test_view_options_flags():
tmpl_str = """{% from 'macros/view_macros.lua.j2' import view_options_flags %}
{{ view_options_flags(options) }}"""
def test_view_flags():
tmpl_str = """{% from 'macros/view_macros.lua.j2' import view_flags %}
{{ view_flags(options) }}"""
tmpl = template_from_str(tmpl_str)
options = ViewOptionsSchema({"dns64": False, "minimize": False})
assert tmpl.render(options=options) == "policy.FLAGS({'NO_MINIMIZE','DNS64_DISABLE',})"
assert tmpl.render(options=ViewOptionsSchema()) == "policy.FLAGS({})"
assert tmpl.render(options=options) == '"NO_MINIMIZE","DNS64_DISABLE",'
assert tmpl.render(options=ViewOptionsSchema()) == ""
def test_view_answer():
......@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ def test_view_answer():
("allow", "policy.TAGS_ASSIGN({})"),
("refused", "policy.REFUSE"),
("noanswer", "policy.NO_ANSWER"),
("refused", "'policy.REFUSE'"),
("noanswer", "'policy.NO_ANSWER'"),
def test_view_answer(val: Any, res: Any):
......@@ -49,5 +49,5 @@ def test_view_answer(val: Any, res: Any):
{{ view_answer(view.answer) }}"""
tmpl = template_from_str(tmpl_str)
view = ViewSchema({"subnets": "", "answer": val})
view = ViewSchema({"subnets": [""], "answer": val})
assert tmpl.render(view=view) == res
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