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Showing with 347 additions and 1018 deletions
......@@ -8,17 +8,18 @@
#include "contrib/cleanup.h"
#include "daemon/network.h"
#include "daemon/tls.h"
#include "lib/utils.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
/** Table and next index on top of stack -> append entries for given endpoint_array_t. */
static int net_list_add(const char *key, void *val, void *ext)
static int net_list_add(const char *b_key, uint32_t key_len, trie_val_t *val, void *ext)
endpoint_array_t *ep_array = *val;
lua_State *L = (lua_State *)ext;
lua_Integer i = lua_tointeger(L, -1);
endpoint_array_t *ep_array = val;
for (int j = 0; j < ep_array->len; ++j) {
struct endpoint *ep = &ep_array->at[j];
lua_newtable(L); // connection tuple
......@@ -57,7 +58,15 @@ static int net_list_add(const char *key, void *val, void *ext)
lua_setfield(L, -2, "family");
lua_pushstring(L, key);
const char *ip_str_const = network_endpoint_key_str((struct endpoint_key *) b_key);
auto_free char *ip_str = strdup(ip_str_const);
char *hm = strchr(ip_str, '#');
if (hm) /* Omit port */
*hm = '\0';
lua_pushstring(L, ip_str);
if (ep->family == AF_INET || ep->family == AF_INET6) {
lua_setfield(L, -2, "ip");
lua_pushboolean(L, ep->flags.freebind);
......@@ -101,7 +110,7 @@ static int net_list(lua_State *L)
lua_pushinteger(L, 1);
map_walk(&the_worker->engine->net.endpoints, net_list_add, L);
trie_apply_with_key(the_worker->engine->net.endpoints, net_list_add, L);
lua_pop(L, 1);
return 1;
......@@ -94,10 +94,6 @@ struct knot_pkt {
knot_mm_t mm;
knot_compr_t compr;
typedef struct {
void *root;
struct knot_mm *pool;
} map_t;
typedef struct trie trie_t;
struct kr_qflags {
_Bool NO_MINIMIZE : 1;
......@@ -94,10 +94,6 @@ struct knot_pkt {
knot_mm_t mm;
knot_compr_t compr;
typedef struct {
void *root;
struct knot_mm *pool;
} map_t;
typedef struct trie trie_t;
struct kr_qflags {
_Bool NO_MINIMIZE : 1;
......@@ -111,8 +111,6 @@ ${CDEFS} ${LIBKRES} types <<-EOF
struct knot_pkt
# lib/generic/
#trie_t inside is private to libknot
typedef trie_t
# libkres
......@@ -4,10 +4,12 @@
#include "daemon/network.h"
#include "contrib/cleanup.h"
#include "daemon/bindings/impl.h"
#include "daemon/io.h"
#include "daemon/tls.h"
#include "daemon/worker.h"
#include "lib/utils.h"
#include <libknot/xdp/eth.h>
......@@ -18,11 +20,48 @@
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/** Determines the type of `struct endpoint_key`. */
enum endpoint_key_type
/** Used as a key in the `struct network::endpoints` trie. */
struct endpoint_key {
enum endpoint_key_type type;
char data[];
struct __attribute__((packed)) endpoint_key_sockaddr {
enum endpoint_key_type type;
struct kr_sockaddr_key_storage sa_key;
struct __attribute__((packed)) endpoint_key_ifname {
enum endpoint_key_type type;
char ifname[128];
/** Used for reserving enough storage for `endpoint_key`. */
struct endpoint_key_storage {
union {
enum endpoint_key_type type;
struct endpoint_key_sockaddr sa;
struct endpoint_key_ifname ifname;
char bytes[1]; /* for easier casting */
static_assert(_Alignof(struct endpoint_key) <= 4, "endpoint_key must be aligned to <=4");
static_assert(_Alignof(struct endpoint_key_sockaddr) <= 4, "endpoint_key must be aligned to <=4");
static_assert(_Alignof(struct endpoint_key_ifname) <= 4, "endpoint_key must be aligned to <=4");
void network_init(struct network *net, uv_loop_t *loop, int tcp_backlog)
if (net != NULL) {
net->loop = loop;
net->endpoints = map_make(NULL);
net->endpoints = trie_create(NULL);
net->endpoint_kinds = trie_create(NULL);
net->proxy_all4 = false;
net->proxy_all6 = false;
......@@ -77,24 +116,29 @@ static int endpoint_open_lua_cb(struct network *net, struct endpoint *ep,
return kr_ok();
static int engage_endpoint_array(const char *key, void *endpoints, void *net)
static int engage_endpoint_array(const char *b_key, uint32_t key_len, trie_val_t *val, void *net)
endpoint_array_t *eps = (endpoint_array_t *)endpoints;
const char *log_addr = network_endpoint_key_str((struct endpoint_key *) b_key);
if (!log_addr)
log_addr = "[unknown]";
endpoint_array_t *eps = *val;
for (int i = 0; i < eps->len; ++i) {
struct endpoint *ep = &eps->at[i];
const bool match = !ep->engaged && ep->flags.kind;
if (!match) continue;
int ret = endpoint_open_lua_cb(net, ep, key);
int ret = endpoint_open_lua_cb(net, ep, log_addr);
if (ret) return ret;
return 0;
int network_engage_endpoints(struct network *net)
if (net->missing_kind_is_error)
return kr_ok(); /* maybe weird, but let's make it idempotent */
net->missing_kind_is_error = true;
int ret = map_walk(&net->endpoints, engage_endpoint_array, net);
int ret = trie_apply_with_key(net->endpoints, engage_endpoint_array, net);
if (ret) {
net->missing_kind_is_error = false; /* avoid the same errors when closing */
return ret;
......@@ -102,6 +146,25 @@ int network_engage_endpoints(struct network *net)
return kr_ok();
const char *network_endpoint_key_str(const struct endpoint_key *key)
switch (key->type)
const struct endpoint_key_sockaddr *sa_key =
(struct endpoint_key_sockaddr *) key;
struct sockaddr_storage sa_storage;
struct sockaddr *sa = kr_sockaddr_from_key(&sa_storage, (const char *) &sa_key->sa_key);
return kr_straddr(sa);
const struct endpoint_key_ifname *if_key =
(struct endpoint_key_ifname *) key;
return if_key->ifname;
return NULL;
/** Notify the registered function about endpoint about to be closed. */
static void endpoint_close_lua_cb(struct network *net, struct endpoint *ep)
......@@ -173,19 +236,19 @@ static void endpoint_close(struct network *net, struct endpoint *ep, bool force)
/** Endpoint visitor (see @file map.h) */
static int close_key(const char *key, void *val, void *net)
/** Endpoint visitor (see @file trie.h) */
static int close_key(trie_val_t *val, void* net)
endpoint_array_t *ep_array = val;
endpoint_array_t *ep_array = *val;
for (int i = 0; i < ep_array->len; ++i) {
endpoint_close(net, &ep_array->at[i], true);
return 0;
static int free_key(const char *key, void *val, void *ext)
static int free_key(trie_val_t *val, void* ext)
endpoint_array_t *ep_array = val;
endpoint_array_t *ep_array = *val;
return kr_ok();
......@@ -201,9 +264,9 @@ int kind_unregister(trie_val_t *tv, void *L)
void network_close_force(struct network *net)
if (net != NULL) {
map_walk(&net->endpoints, close_key, net);
map_walk(&net->endpoints, free_key, 0);
trie_apply(net->endpoints, close_key, net);
trie_apply(net->endpoints, free_key, NULL);
......@@ -224,6 +287,7 @@ void network_deinit(struct network *net)
trie_apply(net->endpoint_kinds, kind_unregister, the_worker->engine->L);
......@@ -238,21 +302,44 @@ void network_deinit(struct network *net)
static ssize_t endpoint_key_create(struct endpoint_key_storage *dst,
const char *addr_str,
const struct sockaddr *sa)
memset(dst, 0, sizeof(*dst));
if (sa) {
struct endpoint_key_sockaddr *key = &dst->sa;
ssize_t keylen = kr_sockaddr_key(&key->sa_key, sa);
if (keylen < 0)
return keylen;
return sizeof(struct endpoint_key) + keylen;
} else {
struct endpoint_key_ifname *key = &dst->ifname;
strncpy(key->ifname, addr_str, sizeof(key->ifname) - 1);
return sizeof(struct endpoint_key) + strnlen(key->ifname, sizeof(key->ifname));
/** Fetch or create endpoint array and insert endpoint (shallow memcpy). */
static int insert_endpoint(struct network *net, const char *addr, struct endpoint *ep)
static int insert_endpoint(struct network *net, const char *addr_str,
const struct sockaddr *addr, struct endpoint *ep)
/* Fetch or insert address into map */
endpoint_array_t *ep_array = map_get(&net->endpoints, addr);
if (ep_array == NULL) {
struct endpoint_key_storage key;
ssize_t keylen = endpoint_key_create(&key, addr_str, addr);
if (keylen < 0)
return keylen;
trie_val_t *val = trie_get_ins(net->endpoints, key.bytes, keylen);
endpoint_array_t *ep_array;
if (*val) {
ep_array = *val;
} else {
ep_array = malloc(sizeof(*ep_array));
if (ep_array == NULL) {
return kr_error(ENOMEM);
if (map_set(&net->endpoints, addr, ep_array) != 0) {
return kr_error(ENOMEM);
*val = ep_array;
if (array_reserve(*ep_array, ep_array->len + 1)) {
......@@ -269,17 +356,16 @@ static int open_endpoint(struct network *net, const char *addr_str,
const bool is_control = ep->flags.kind && strcmp(ep->flags.kind, "control") == 0;
const bool is_xdp = ep->family == AF_XDP;
bool ok = is_xdp
? sa == NULL && ep->fd == -1 && ep->nic_queue >= 0
&& ep->flags.sock_type == SOCK_DGRAM && !ep->flags.tls
: (sa != NULL) != (ep->fd != -1);
bool ok = (!is_xdp)
|| (sa == NULL && ep->fd == -1 && ep->nic_queue >= 0
&& ep->flags.sock_type == SOCK_DGRAM && !ep->flags.tls);
if (kr_fails_assert(ok))
return kr_error(EINVAL);
if (ep->handle) {
return kr_error(EEXIST);
if (sa) {
if (sa && ep->fd == -1) {
if (sa->sa_family == AF_UNIX) {
struct sockaddr_un *sun = (struct sockaddr_un*)sa;
char *dirc = strdup(sun->sun_path);
......@@ -363,16 +449,24 @@ static int open_endpoint(struct network *net, const char *addr_str,
* Beware that there might be multiple matches, though that's not common.
* The matching isn't really precise in the sense that it might not find
* and endpoint that would *collide* the passed one. */
static struct endpoint * endpoint_get(struct network *net, const char *addr,
uint16_t port, endpoint_flags_t flags)
static struct endpoint * endpoint_get(struct network *net,
const char *addr_str,
const struct sockaddr *sa,
endpoint_flags_t flags)
endpoint_array_t *ep_array = map_get(&net->endpoints, addr);
if (!ep_array) {
struct endpoint_key_storage key;
ssize_t keylen = endpoint_key_create(&key, addr_str, sa);
if (keylen < 0)
return NULL;
trie_val_t *val = trie_get_try(net->endpoints, key.bytes, keylen);
if (!val)
return NULL;
endpoint_array_t *ep_array = *val;
uint16_t port = kr_inaddr_port(sa);
for (int i = 0; i < ep_array->len; ++i) {
struct endpoint *ep = &ep_array->at[i];
if (ep->port == port && endpoint_flags_eq(ep->flags, flags)) {
if ((flags.xdp || ep->port == port) && endpoint_flags_eq(ep->flags, flags)) {
return ep;
......@@ -383,11 +477,11 @@ static struct endpoint * endpoint_get(struct network *net, const char *addr,
* \note in XDP case addr_str is interface name
* \note ownership of ep.flags.* is taken on success. */
static int create_endpoint(struct network *net, const char *addr_str,
struct endpoint *ep, const struct sockaddr *sa)
struct endpoint *ep, const struct sockaddr *sa)
int ret = open_endpoint(net, addr_str, ep, sa);
if (ret == 0) {
ret = insert_endpoint(net, addr_str, ep);
ret = insert_endpoint(net, addr_str, sa, ep);
if (ret != 0 && ep->handle) {
endpoint_close(net, ep, false);
......@@ -448,7 +542,7 @@ int network_listen_fd(struct network *net, int fd, endpoint_flags_t flags)
/* always create endpoint for supervisor supplied fd
* even if addr+port is not unique */
return create_endpoint(net, addr_str, &ep, NULL);
return create_endpoint(net, addr_str, &ep, (struct sockaddr *) &ss);
/** Try selecting XDP queue automatically. */
......@@ -501,7 +595,7 @@ int network_listen(struct network *net, const char *addr, uint16_t port,
// XDP: if addr failed to parse as address, we assume it's an interface name.
if (endpoint_get(net, addr, port, flags)) {
if (endpoint_get(net, addr, sa, flags)) {
return kr_error(EADDRINUSE); // Already listening
......@@ -613,13 +707,10 @@ void network_proxy_reset(struct network *net)
int network_close(struct network *net, const char *addr, int port)
static int endpoints_close(struct network *net,
struct endpoint_key_storage *key, ssize_t keylen,
endpoint_array_t *ep_array, int port)
endpoint_array_t *ep_array = map_get(&net->endpoints, addr);
if (!ep_array) {
return kr_error(ENOENT);
size_t i = 0;
bool matched = false; /*< at least one match */
while (i < ep_array->len) {
......@@ -637,14 +728,108 @@ int network_close(struct network *net, const char *addr, int port)
return kr_error(ENOENT);
return kr_ok();
static bool endpoint_key_addr_matches(struct endpoint_key_storage *key_a,
struct endpoint_key_storage *key_b)
if (key_a->type != key_b->type)
return false;
if (key_a->type == ENDPOINT_KEY_IFNAME)
return strncmp(key_a->ifname.ifname,
sizeof(key_a->ifname.ifname)) == 0;
if (key_a->type == ENDPOINT_KEY_SOCKADDR) {
return kr_sockaddr_key_same_addr(
key_a->sa.sa_key.bytes, key_b->sa.sa_key.bytes);
return kr_error(EINVAL);
struct endpoint_key_with_len {
struct endpoint_key_storage key;
size_t keylen;
typedef array_t(struct endpoint_key_with_len) endpoint_key_array_t;
struct endpoint_close_wildcard_context {
struct network *net;
struct endpoint_key_storage *match_key;
endpoint_key_array_t del;
int ret;
static int endpoints_close_wildcard(const char *s_key, uint32_t keylen, trie_val_t *val, void *baton)
struct endpoint_close_wildcard_context *ctx = baton;
struct endpoint_key_storage *key = (struct endpoint_key_storage *)s_key;
if (!endpoint_key_addr_matches(key, ctx->match_key))
return kr_ok();
endpoint_array_t *ep_array = *val;
int ret = endpoints_close(ctx->net, key, keylen, ep_array, -1);
if (ret)
ctx->ret = ret;
if (ep_array->len == 0) {
struct endpoint_key_with_len to_del = {
.key = *key,
.keylen = keylen
array_push(ctx->del, to_del);
return kr_ok();
int network_close(struct network *net, const char *addr_str, int port)
auto_free struct sockaddr *addr = kr_straddr_socket(addr_str, port, NULL);
struct endpoint_key_storage key;
ssize_t keylen = endpoint_key_create(&key, addr_str, addr);
if (keylen < 0)
return keylen;
if (port < 0) {
struct endpoint_close_wildcard_context ctx = {
.net = net,
.match_key = &key
trie_apply_with_key(net->endpoints, endpoints_close_wildcard, &ctx);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ctx.del.len; i++) {
trie_val_t val;
if (val) {
array_clear(*(endpoint_array_t *) val);
return ctx.ret;
trie_val_t *val = trie_get_try(net->endpoints, key.bytes, keylen);
if (!val)
return kr_error(ENOENT);
endpoint_array_t *ep_array = *val;
int ret = endpoints_close(net, &key, keylen, ep_array, port);
/* Collapse key if it has no endpoint. */
if (ep_array->len == 0) {
map_del(&net->endpoints, addr);
trie_del(net->endpoints, key.bytes, keylen, NULL);
return kr_ok();
return ret;
void network_new_hostname(struct network *net, struct engine *engine)
......@@ -664,10 +849,10 @@ void network_new_hostname(struct network *net, struct engine *engine)
static int set_bpf_cb(const char *key, void *val, void *ext)
static int set_bpf_cb(trie_val_t *val, void *ctx)
endpoint_array_t *endpoints = (endpoint_array_t *)val;
int *bpffd = (int *)ext;
endpoint_array_t *endpoints = *val;
int *bpffd = (int *)ctx;
if (kr_fails_assert(endpoints && bpffd))
return kr_error(EINVAL);
......@@ -689,7 +874,7 @@ static int set_bpf_cb(const char *key, void *val, void *ext)
int network_set_bpf(struct network *net, int bpf_fd)
if (map_walk(&net->endpoints, set_bpf_cb, &bpf_fd) != 0) {
if (trie_apply(net->endpoints, set_bpf_cb, &bpf_fd) != 0) {
/* set_bpf_cb() has returned error. */
return 0;
......@@ -704,9 +889,9 @@ int network_set_bpf(struct network *net, int bpf_fd)
static int clear_bpf_cb(const char *key, void *val, void *ext)
static int clear_bpf_cb(trie_val_t *val, void *ctx)
endpoint_array_t *endpoints = (endpoint_array_t *)val;
endpoint_array_t *endpoints = *val;
if (kr_fails_assert(endpoints))
return kr_error(EINVAL);
......@@ -730,7 +915,7 @@ static int clear_bpf_cb(const char *key, void *val, void *ext)
void network_clear_bpf(struct network *net)
map_walk(&net->endpoints, clear_bpf_cb, NULL);
trie_apply(net->endpoints, clear_bpf_cb, NULL);
kr_log_error(NETWORK, "SO_DETACH_BPF socket option doesn't supported\n");
......@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
#include "daemon/tls.h"
#include "lib/generic/array.h"
#include "lib/generic/map.h"
#include "lib/generic/trie.h"
#include <uv.h>
......@@ -31,6 +30,8 @@ typedef struct {
const char *kind; /**< tag for other types: "control" or module-handled kinds */
} endpoint_flags_t;
struct endpoint_key;
static inline bool endpoint_flags_eq(endpoint_flags_t f1, endpoint_flags_t f2)
if (f1.sock_type != f2.sock_type)
......@@ -78,9 +79,8 @@ struct network {
uv_loop_t *loop;
/** Map: address string -> endpoint_array_t.
* \note even same address-port-flags tuples may appear.
* TODO: trie_t, keyed on *binary* address-port pair. */
map_t endpoints;
* \note even same address-port-flags tuples may appear. */
trie_t *endpoints;
/** Registry of callbacks for special endpoint kinds (for opening/closing).
* Map: kind (lowercased) -> lua function ID converted to void *
......@@ -150,6 +150,11 @@ void network_close_force(struct network *net);
* This only does anything with struct endpoint::flags.kind != NULL. */
int network_engage_endpoints(struct network *net);
/** Returns a string representation of the specified endpoint key.
* The result points into key or is on static storage like for kr_straddr() */
const char *network_endpoint_key_str(const struct endpoint_key *key);
int network_set_tls_cert(struct network *net, const char *cert);
int network_set_tls_key(struct network *net, const char *key);
void network_new_hostname(struct network *net, struct engine *engine);
......@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
#include "daemon/worker.h"
#include "lib/dnssec/ta.h"
#include "lib/dnssec.h"
#include "lib/generic/map.h"
#include "lib/generic/array.h"
#include "lib/generic/trie.h"
#include "lib/utils.h"
......@@ -55,13 +55,6 @@ Files: contrib/ccan/json/*
Copyright: 2011 Joey Adams
License: Expat
Files: lib/generic/map.c lib/generic/map.h
Copyright: Dan Bernstein
Jonas Gehring
Adam Langley
Marek Vavrusa
License: public-domain
Files: modules/policy/lua-aho-corasick/*
Copyright: 2013 CloudFlare, Inc.
License: BSD-3-CloudFlare
......@@ -10,8 +10,6 @@ as long as it comes with a test case in `tests/test_generics.c`.
* array_ - a set of simple macros to make working with dynamic arrays easier.
* queue_ - a FIFO + LIFO queue.
* map_ - a `Crit-bit tree`_ key-value map implementation (public domain) that comes with tests.
* set_ - set abstraction implemented on top of ``map`` (unused now).
* pack_ - length-prefixed list of objects (i.e. array-list).
* lru_ - LRU-like hash table
* trie_ - a trie-based key-value map, taken from knot-dns
......@@ -28,18 +26,6 @@ queue
.. doxygenfile:: queue.h
:project: libkres
.. doxygenfile:: map.h
:project: libkres
.. doxygenfile:: set.h
:project: libkres
* critbit89 - A crit-bit tree implementation for strings in C89
* Written by Jonas Gehring <>
* Implemented key-value storing by Marek Vavrusa <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* The code makes the assumption that malloc returns pointers aligned at at
* least a two-byte boundary. Since the C standard requires that malloc return
* pointers that can store any type, there are no commonly-used toolchains for
* which this assumption is false.
* See for reference.
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "map.h"
#include "lib/utils.h"
/* Exports */
#if defined _WIN32 || defined __CYGWIN__
#define EXPORT __attribute__ ((dllexport))
#define EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
#ifdef _MSC_VER /* MSVC */
typedef unsigned __int8 uint8_t;
typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;
#ifdef _WIN64
typedef signed __int64 intptr_t;
typedef _W64 signed int intptr_t;
#else /* Not MSVC */
#include <stdint.h>
typedef struct {
void* value;
uint8_t key[];
} cb_data_t;
typedef struct {
void *child[2];
uint32_t byte;
uint8_t otherbits;
} cb_node_t;
/* Return true if ptr is internal node. */
static inline int ref_is_internal(const uint8_t *p)
return 1 & (intptr_t)p;
/* Get internal node. */
static inline cb_node_t *ref_get_internal(uint8_t *p)
return (cb_node_t *)(p - 1);
/* Static helper functions */
static void cbt_traverse_delete(map_t *map, void *top)
uint8_t *p = top;
if (ref_is_internal(p)) {
cb_node_t *q = ref_get_internal(p);
cbt_traverse_delete(map, q->child[0]);
cbt_traverse_delete(map, q->child[1]);
mm_free(map->pool, q);
} else {
mm_free(map->pool, p);
static int cbt_traverse_prefixed(void *top,
int (*callback)(const char *, void *, void *), void *baton)
uint8_t *p = top;
cb_data_t *x = (cb_data_t *)top;
if (ref_is_internal(p)) {
cb_node_t *q = ref_get_internal(p);
int ret = 0;
ret = cbt_traverse_prefixed(q->child[0], callback, baton);
if (ret != 0) {
return ret;
ret = cbt_traverse_prefixed(q->child[1], callback, baton);
if (ret != 0) {
return ret;
return 0;
return (callback)((const char *)x->key, x->value, baton);
static cb_data_t *cbt_make_data(map_t *map, const uint8_t *str, size_t len, void *value)
cb_data_t *x = mm_alloc(map->pool, sizeof(cb_data_t) + len);
if (x != NULL) {
x->value = value;
memcpy(x->key, str, len);
return x;
/*! Like map_contains, but also set the value, if passed and found. */
static int cbt_get(map_t *map, const char *str, void **value)
const uint8_t *ubytes = (void *)str;
const size_t ulen = strlen(str);
uint8_t *p = map->root;
cb_data_t *x = NULL;
if (p == NULL) {
return 0;
while (ref_is_internal(p)) {
cb_node_t *q = ref_get_internal(p);
uint8_t c = 0;
int direction;
if (q->byte < ulen) {
c = ubytes[q->byte];
direction = (1 + (q->otherbits | c)) >> 8;
p = q->child[direction];
x = (cb_data_t *)p;
if (strcmp(str, (const char *)x->key) == 0) {
if (value != NULL) {
*value = x->value;
return 1;
return 0;
/*! Returns non-zero if map contains str */
EXPORT int map_contains(map_t *map, const char *str)
return cbt_get(map, str, NULL);
EXPORT void *map_get(map_t *map, const char *str)
void *v = NULL;
cbt_get(map, str, &v);
return v;
EXPORT int map_set(map_t *map, const char *str, void *val)
const uint8_t *const ubytes = (void *)str;
const size_t ulen = strlen(str);
uint8_t *p = map->root;
uint8_t c = 0, *x = NULL;
uint32_t newbyte = 0;
uint32_t newotherbits = 0;
int direction = 0, newdirection = 0;
cb_node_t *newnode = NULL;
cb_data_t *data = NULL;
void **wherep = NULL;
if (p == NULL) {
map->root = cbt_make_data(map, (const uint8_t *)str, ulen + 1, val);
if (map->root == NULL) {
return ENOMEM;
return 0;
while (ref_is_internal(p)) {
cb_node_t *q = ref_get_internal(p);
c = 0;
if (q->byte < ulen) {
c = ubytes[q->byte];
direction = (1 + (q->otherbits | c)) >> 8;
p = q->child[direction];
data = (cb_data_t *)p;
for (newbyte = 0; newbyte < ulen; ++newbyte) {
if (data->key[newbyte] != ubytes[newbyte]) {
newotherbits = data->key[newbyte] ^ ubytes[newbyte];
goto different_byte_found;
if (data->key[newbyte] != 0) {
newotherbits = data->key[newbyte];
goto different_byte_found;
data->value = val;
return 1;
newotherbits |= newotherbits >> 1;
newotherbits |= newotherbits >> 2;
newotherbits |= newotherbits >> 4;
newotherbits = (newotherbits & ~(newotherbits >> 1)) ^ 255;
c = data->key[newbyte];
newdirection = (1 + (newotherbits | c)) >> 8;
newnode = mm_alloc(map->pool, sizeof(cb_node_t));
if (newnode == NULL) {
return ENOMEM;
x = (uint8_t *)cbt_make_data(map, ubytes, ulen + 1, val);
if (x == NULL) {
mm_free(map->pool, newnode);
return ENOMEM;
newnode->byte = newbyte;
newnode->otherbits = newotherbits;
newnode->child[1 - newdirection] = x;
/* Insert into map */
wherep = &map->root;
for (;;) {
cb_node_t *q;
p = *wherep;
if (!ref_is_internal(p)) {
q = ref_get_internal(p);
if (q->byte > newbyte) {
if (q->byte == newbyte && q->otherbits > newotherbits) {
c = 0;
if (q->byte < ulen) {
c = ubytes[q->byte];
direction = (1 + (q->otherbits | c)) >> 8;
wherep = q->child + direction;
newnode->child[newdirection] = *wherep;
*wherep = (void *)(1 + (char *)newnode);
return 0;
/*! Deletes str from the map, returns 0 on success */
EXPORT int map_del(map_t *map, const char *str)
const uint8_t *ubytes = (void *)str;
const size_t ulen = strlen(str);
uint8_t *p = map->root;
void **wherep = NULL, **whereq = NULL;
cb_node_t *q = NULL;
cb_data_t *data = NULL;
int direction = 0;
if (map->root == NULL) {
return 1;
wherep = &map->root;
while (ref_is_internal(p)) {
uint8_t c = 0;
whereq = wherep;
q = ref_get_internal(p);
if (q->byte < ulen) {
c = ubytes[q->byte];
direction = (1 + (q->otherbits | c)) >> 8;
wherep = q->child + direction;
p = *wherep;
data = (cb_data_t *)p;
if (strcmp(str, (const char *)data->key) != 0) {
return 1;
mm_free(map->pool, p);
if (!whereq) {
map->root = NULL;
return 0;
*whereq = q->child[1 - direction];
mm_free(map->pool, q);
return 0;
/*! Clears the given map */
EXPORT void map_clear(map_t *map)
if (map->root) {
cbt_traverse_delete(map, map->root);
map->root = NULL;
/*! Calls callback for all strings in map with the given prefix */
EXPORT int map_walk_prefixed(map_t *map, const char *prefix,
int (*callback)(const char *, void *, void *), void *baton)
if (!map) {
return 0;
const uint8_t *ubytes = (void *)prefix;
const size_t ulen = strlen(prefix);
uint8_t *p = map->root;
uint8_t *top = p;
cb_data_t *data = NULL;
if (p == NULL) {
return 0;
while (ref_is_internal(p)) {
cb_node_t *q = ref_get_internal(p);
uint8_t c = 0;
int direction;
if (q->byte < ulen) {
c = ubytes[q->byte];
direction = (1 + (q->otherbits | c)) >> 8;
p = q->child[direction];
if (q->byte < ulen) {
top = p;
data = (cb_data_t *)p;
if (strlen((const char *)data->key) < ulen || memcmp(data->key, prefix, ulen) != 0) {
return 0; /* No strings match */
return cbt_traverse_prefixed(top, callback, baton);
* critbit89 - A crit-bit map implementation for strings in C89
* Written by Jonas Gehring <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* @file map.h
* @brief A Crit-bit tree key-value map implementation.
* @warning If the user provides a custom allocator, it must return addresses aligned to 2B boundary.
* # Example usage:
* @code{.c}
* map_t map = map_make(NULL);
* // Custom allocator (optional)
* map.malloc = &mymalloc;
* map.baton = &mymalloc_context;
* // Insert k-v pairs
* int values = { 42, 53, 64 };
* if (map_set(&map, "princess", &values[0]) != 0 ||
* map_set(&map, "prince", &values[1]) != 0 ||
* map_set(&map, "leia", &values[2]) != 0) {
* fail();
* }
* // Test membership
* if (map_contains(&map, "leia")) {
* success();
* }
* // Prefix search
* int i = 0;
* int count(const char *k, void *v, void *ext) { (*(int *)ext)++; return 0; }
* if (map_walk_prefixed(map, "princ", count, &i) == 0) {
* printf("%d matches\n", i);
* }
* // Delete
* if (map_del(&map, "badkey") != 0) {
* fail(); // No such key
* }
* // Clear the map
* map_clear(&map);
* @endcode
* \addtogroup generics
* @{
#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
struct knot_mm; /* avoid the unnecessary include */
/** Main data structure */
typedef struct {
void *root;
struct knot_mm *pool;
} map_t;
/** Creates an new empty critbit map. Pass NULL for malloc+free. */
static inline map_t map_make(struct knot_mm *pool)
return (map_t){ .root = NULL, .pool = pool };
/** Returns non-zero if map contains str */
int map_contains(map_t *map, const char *str);
/** Returns value if map contains str. Note: NULL may mean two different things. */
void *map_get(map_t *map, const char *str);
/** Inserts str into map. Returns 0 if new, 1 if replaced, or ENOMEM. */
int map_set(map_t *map, const char *str, void *val);
/** Deletes str from the map, returns 0 on success */
int map_del(map_t *map, const char *str);
/** Clears the given map */
void map_clear(map_t *map);
* Calls callback for all strings in map
* See @fn map_walk_prefixed() for documentation on parameters.
#define map_walk(map, callback, baton) \
map_walk_prefixed((map), "", (callback), (baton))
* Calls callback for all strings in map with the given prefix.
* Returns value immediately if a callback returns nonzero.
* @param map
* @param prefix required string prefix (empty => all strings)
* @param callback callback parameters are (key, value, baton)
* @param baton passed uservalue
int map_walk_prefixed(map_t *map, const char *prefix,
int (*callback)(const char *, void *, void *), void *baton);
#ifdef __cplusplus
/** @} */
SPDXVersion: SPDX-2.1
DataLicense: CC0-1.0
DocumentName: map
PackageName: critbit89
PackageDownloadLocation: git+
PackageOriginator: Person: Jonas Gehring (
PackageLicenseDeclared: CC0-1.0
/* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
* @file set.h
* @brief A set abstraction implemented on top of map.
* @note The API is based on map.h, see it for more examples.
* # Example usage:
* @code{.c}
* set_t set = set_make(NULL);
* // Insert keys
* if (set_add(&set, "princess") != 0 ||
* set_add(&set, "prince") != 0 ||
* set_add(&set, "leia") != 0) {
* fail();
* }
* // Test membership
* if (set_contains(&set, "leia")) {
* success();
* }
* // Prefix search
* int i = 0;
* int count(const char *s, void *n) { (*(int *)n)++; return 0; }
* if (set_walk_prefixed(set, "princ", count, &i) == 0) {
* printf("%d matches\n", i);
* }
* // Delete
* if (set_del(&set, "badkey") != 0) {
* fail(); // No such key
* }
* // Clear the set
* set_clear(&set);
* @endcode
* \addtogroup generics
* @{
#pragma once
#include <stddef.h>
#include "map.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef map_t set_t;
typedef int (set_walk_cb)(const char *, void *);
/*! Creates an new, empty critbit set */
#define set_make \
/*! Returns non-zero if set contains str */
#define set_contains(set, str) \
map_contains((set), (str))
/*! Inserts str into set. Returns 0 if new, 1 if already present, or ENOMEM. */
#define set_add(set, str) \
map_set((set), (str), (void *)1)
/*! Deletes str from the set, returns 0 on success */
#define set_del(set, str) \
map_del((set), (str))
/*! Clears the given set */
#define set_clear(set) \
/*! Calls callback for all strings in map */
#define set_walk(set, callback, baton) \
map_walk_prefixed((set), "", (callback), (baton))
/*! Calls callback for all strings in set with the given prefix */
#define set_walk_prefixed(set, prefix, callback, baton) \
map_walk_prefixed((set), (prefix), (callback), (baton))
#ifdef __cplusplus
/** @} */
/* Copyright (C) 2014-2017 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "tests/unit/test.h"
#include "lib/generic/map.h"
* Sample dictionary
static const char *dict[] = {
"catagmatic", "prevaricator", "statoscope", "workhand", "benzamide",
"alluvia", "fanciful", "bladish", "Tarsius", "unfast", "appropriative",
"seraphically", "monkeypod", "deflectometer", "tanglesome", "zodiacal",
"physiologically", "economizer", "forcepslike", "betrumpet",
"Danization", "broadthroat", "randir", "usherette", "nephropyosis",
"hematocyanin", "chrysohermidin", "uncave", "mirksome", "podophyllum",
"siphonognathous", "indoor", "featheriness", "forwardation",
"archruler", "soricoid", "Dailamite", "carmoisin", "controllability",
"unpragmatical", "childless", "transumpt", "productive",
"thyreotoxicosis", "oversorrow", "disshadow", "osse", "roar",
"pantomnesia", "talcer", "hydrorrhoea", "Satyridae", "undetesting",
"smoothbored", "widower", "sivathere", "pendle", "saltation",
"autopelagic", "campfight", "unexplained", "Macrorhamphosus",
"absconsa", "counterflory", "interdependent", "triact", "reconcentration",
"oversharpness", "sarcoenchondroma", "superstimulate", "assessory",
"pseudepiscopacy", "telescopically", "ventriloque", "politicaster",
"Caesalpiniaceae", "inopportunity", "Helion", "uncompatible",
"cephaloclasia", "oversearch", "Mahayanistic", "quarterspace",
"bacillogenic", "hamartite", "polytheistical", "unescapableness",
"Pterophorus", "cradlemaking", "Hippoboscidae", "overindustrialize",
"perishless", "cupidity", "semilichen", "gadge", "detrimental",
"misencourage", "toparchia", "lurchingly", "apocatastasis"
/* Insertions */
static void test_insert(void **state)
map_t *tree = *state;
int dict_size = sizeof(dict) / sizeof(const char *);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < dict_size; i++) {
assert_int_equal(map_set(tree, dict[i], (void *)dict[i]), 0);
/* Searching */
static void test_get(void **state)
map_t *tree = *state;
char *in;
const char *notin = "not in tree";
in = malloc(strlen(dict[23])+1);
strcpy(in, dict[23]);
assert_true(map_get(tree, in) == dict[23]);
assert_true(map_get(tree, notin) == NULL);
assert_true(map_get(tree, "") == NULL);
in[strlen(in)/2] = '\0';
assert_true(map_get(tree, in) == NULL);
/* Deletion */
static void test_delete(void **state)
map_t *tree = *state;
assert_int_equal(map_del(tree, dict[91]), 0);
assert_false(map_contains(tree, dict[91]));
assert_int_equal(map_del(tree, "most likely not in tree"), 1);
/* Test null value existence */
static void test_null_value(void **state)
map_t *tree = *state;
char *key = "foo";
assert_int_equal(map_set(tree, key, (void *)0), 0);
assert_true(map_contains(tree, key));
assert_int_equal(map_del(tree, key), 0);
static void test_init(void **state)
static map_t tree;
tree = map_make(NULL);
*state = &tree;
static void test_deinit(void **state)
map_t *tree = *state;
/* Program entry point */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
const UnitTest tests[] = {
return run_group_tests(tests);
* critbit89 - A crit-bit tree implementation for strings in C89
* Written by Jonas Gehring <>
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "tests/unit/test.h"
#include "lib/generic/set.h"
#include "lib/utils.h"
* Sample dictionary: 100 random words from /usr/share/dict/words
* Generated using
* MAX=`wc -l < /usr/share/dict/words | tr -d " "`
* for i in `curl "$MAX&col=1&base=10&format=plain&rnd=new"`; do
* nl /usr/share/dict/words | grep -w $i | tr -d "0-9\t "
* done
static const char *dict[] = {
"catagmatic", "prevaricator", "statoscope", "workhand", "benzamide",
"alluvia", "fanciful", "bladish", "Tarsius", "unfast", "appropriative",
"seraphically", "monkeypod", "deflectometer", "tanglesome", "zodiacal",
"physiologically", "economizer", "forcepslike", "betrumpet",
"Danization", "broadthroat", "randir", "usherette", "nephropyosis",
"hematocyanin", "chrysohermidin", "uncave", "mirksome", "podophyllum",
"siphonognathous", "indoor", "featheriness", "forwardation",
"archruler", "soricoid", "Dailamite", "carmoisin", "controllability",
"unpragmatical", "childless", "transumpt", "productive",
"thyreotoxicosis", "oversorrow", "disshadow", "osse", "roar",
"pantomnesia", "talcer", "hydrorrhoea", "Satyridae", "undetesting",
"smoothbored", "widower", "sivathere", "pendle", "saltation",
"autopelagic", "campfight", "unexplained", "Macrorhamphosus",
"absconsa", "counterflory", "interdependent", "triact", "reconcentration",
"oversharpness", "sarcoenchondroma", "superstimulate", "assessory",
"pseudepiscopacy", "telescopically", "ventriloque", "politicaster",
"Caesalpiniaceae", "inopportunity", "Helion", "uncompatible",
"cephaloclasia", "oversearch", "Mahayanistic", "quarterspace",
"bacillogenic", "hamartite", "polytheistical", "unescapableness",
"Pterophorus", "cradlemaking", "Hippoboscidae", "overindustrialize",
"perishless", "cupidity", "semilichen", "gadge", "detrimental",
"misencourage", "toparchia", "lurchingly", "apocatastasis"
/* Insertions */
static void test_insert(void **state)
set_t *set = *state;
int dict_size = sizeof(dict) / sizeof(const char *);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < dict_size; i++) {
assert_int_equal(set_add(set, dict[i]), 0);
/* Insertion of duplicate element */
static void test_insert_dup(void **state)
set_t *set = *state;
int dict_size = sizeof(dict) / sizeof(const char *);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < dict_size; i++) {
if (!set_contains(set, dict[i])) {
assert_int_equal(set_add(set, dict[i]), 1);
/* Searching */
static void test_contains(void **state)
set_t *set = *state;
char *in;
const char *notin = "not in set";
in = malloc(strlen(dict[23])+1);
strcpy(in, dict[23]);
assert_true(set_contains(set, in));
assert_false(set_contains(set, notin));
assert_false(set_contains(set, ""));
in[strlen(in)/2] = '\0';
assert_false(set_contains(set, in));
/* Count number of items */
static int count_cb(const char *s, void *_, void *n) { (*(int *)n)++; return 0; }
static void test_complete(set_t *set, int n)
int i = 0;
if (set_walk(set, count_cb, &i) != 0) {
if (i != n) {
static void test_complete_full(void **state) { test_complete(*state, sizeof(dict) / sizeof(const char *)); }
static void test_complete_zero(void **state) { test_complete(*state, 0); }
/* Deletion */
static void test_delete(void **state)
set_t *set = *state;
assert_int_equal(set_del(set, dict[91]), 0);
assert_int_equal(set_del(set, "most likely not in set"), 1);
/* Complete deletion */
static void test_delete_all(void **state)
set_t *set = *state;
int dict_size = sizeof(dict) / sizeof(const char *);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < dict_size; i++) {
if (!set_contains(set, dict[i])) {
assert_int_equal(set_del(set, dict[i]), 0);
/* Fake allocator */
static void *fake_malloc(void *b, size_t s) { return NULL; }
static void test_allocator(void **state)
knot_mm_t fake_pool = { .ctx = NULL, .alloc = fake_malloc, .free = NULL };
set_t set = set_make(&fake_pool);
assert_int_equal(set_add(&set, dict[0]), ENOMEM);
/* Empty set */
static void test_empty(void **state)
set_t *set = *state;
assert_int_equal(set_contains(set, dict[1]), 0);
assert_int_not_equal(set_del(set, dict[1]), 0);
/* Prefix walking */
static void test_prefixes(void **state)
set_t *set = *state;
int i = 0;
if ((set_add(set, "1str") != 0) ||
(set_add(set, "11str2") != 0) ||
(set_add(set, "12str") != 0) ||
(set_add(set, "11str") != 0)) {
assert_int_equal(1, 0);
assert_int_equal(set_walk_prefixed(set, "11", count_cb, &i), 0);
assert_int_equal(i, 2);
i = 0;
assert_int_equal(set_walk_prefixed(set, "13", count_cb, &i), 0);
assert_int_equal(i, 0);
i = 0;
assert_int_equal(set_walk_prefixed(set, "12345678", count_cb, &i), 0);
assert_int_equal(i, 0);
i = 0;
assert_int_equal(set_walk_prefixed(set, "11str", count_cb, &i), 0);
assert_int_equal(i, 2);
static void test_clear(void **state)
set_t *set = *state;
static void test_init(void **state)
static set_t set;
set = set_make(NULL);
*state = &set;
static void test_deinit(void **state)
set_t *set = *state;
/* Program entry point */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
const UnitTest tests[] = {
return run_group_tests(tests);
......@@ -843,6 +843,26 @@ int trie_apply(trie_t *tbl, int (*f)(trie_val_t *, void *), void *d)
return apply_trie(&tbl->root, f, d);
/*! \brief Apply a function to every key + trie_val_t*, in order; a recursive solution. */
static int apply_trie_with_key(node_t *t, int (*f)(const char *, uint32_t, trie_val_t *, void *), void *d)
if (!isbranch(t))
return f(t->leaf.key->chars, t->leaf.key->len, &t->leaf.val, d);
int child_count = bitmap_weight(t->branch.bitmap);
for (int i = 0; i < child_count; ++i)
ERR_RETURN(apply_trie_with_key(twig(t, i), f, d));
return KNOT_EOK;
int trie_apply_with_key(trie_t *tbl, int (*f)(const char *, uint32_t, trie_val_t *, void *), void *d)
kr_require(tbl && f);
if (!tbl->weight)
return KNOT_EOK;
return apply_trie_with_key(&tbl->root, f, d);
/* These are all thin wrappers around static Tns* functions. */
trie_it_t* trie_it_begin(trie_t *tbl)
......@@ -83,6 +83,17 @@ int trie_get_leq(trie_t *tbl, const char *key, uint32_t len, trie_val_t **val);
int trie_apply(trie_t *tbl, int (*f)(trie_val_t *, void *), void *d);
* \brief Apply a function to every trie_val_t, in order.
* It's like trie_apply() but additionally passes keys and their lengths.
* \param d Parameter passed as the second argument to f().
* \return First nonzero from f() or zero (i.e. KNOT_EOK).
int trie_apply_with_key(trie_t *tbl, int (*f)(const char *, uint32_t, trie_val_t *, void *), void *d);
* \brief Remove an item, returning KNOT_EOK if succeeded or KNOT_ENOENT if not found.
......@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ libkres_src = files([
......@@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ libkres_headers = files([
......@@ -68,10 +66,8 @@ libkres_headers = files([
unit_tests += [
['array', files('generic/test_array.c')],
['lru', files('generic/test_lru.c')],
['map', files('generic/test_map.c')],
['pack', files('generic/test_pack.c')],
['queue', files('generic/test_queue.c')],
['set', files('generic/test_set.c')],
['trie', files('generic/test_trie.c')],
['module', files('test_module.c')],
['rplan', files('test_rplan.c')],
......@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
#include "lib/cookies/control.h"
#include "lib/cookies/lru_cache.h"
#include "lib/layer.h"
#include "lib/generic/map.h"
#include "lib/generic/array.h"
#include "lib/selection.h"
#include "lib/rplan.h"
......@@ -336,10 +336,20 @@ ssize_t kr_sockaddr_key(struct kr_sockaddr_key_storage *dst,
const struct sockaddr_un *addr_un = (const struct sockaddr_un *) addr;
struct kr_sockaddr_un_key *unkey = (struct kr_sockaddr_un_key *) dst;
unkey->family = AF_UNIX;
strncpy(unkey->path, addr_un->sun_path, sizeof(unkey->path));
size_t pathlen = strnlen(unkey->path, sizeof(unkey->path));
if (pathlen < sizeof(unkey->path)) /* Include null-terminator */
pathlen += 1;
size_t pathlen = strnlen(addr_un->sun_path, sizeof(unkey->path));
if (pathlen == 0 || pathlen >= sizeof(unkey->path)) {
/* Abstract sockets are not supported - we would need
* to also supply a length value for the abstract
* pathname.
* UNIX socket path should be null-terminated.
* See unix(7). */
return kr_error(EINVAL);
pathlen += 1; /* Include null-terminator */
strncpy(unkey->path, addr_un->sun_path, pathlen);
return offsetof(struct kr_sockaddr_un_key, path) + pathlen;
......@@ -378,10 +388,48 @@ struct sockaddr *kr_sockaddr_from_key(struct sockaddr_storage *dst,
return (struct sockaddr *) addr_un;
return NULL;
bool kr_sockaddr_key_same_addr(const char *key_a, const char *key_b)
const struct kr_sockaddr_in6_key *kkey_a = (struct kr_sockaddr_in6_key *) key_a;
const struct kr_sockaddr_in6_key *kkey_b = (struct kr_sockaddr_in6_key *) key_b;
if (kkey_a->family != kkey_b->family)
return false;
ptrdiff_t offset;
switch (kkey_a->family) {
case AF_INET:
offset = offsetof(struct kr_sockaddr_in_key, address);
case AF_INET6:
if (unlikely(kkey_a->scope != kkey_b->scope))
return false;
offset = offsetof(struct kr_sockaddr_in6_key, address);
case AF_UNIX:;
const struct kr_sockaddr_un_key *unkey_a =
(struct kr_sockaddr_un_key *) key_a;
const struct kr_sockaddr_un_key *unkey_b =
(struct kr_sockaddr_un_key *) key_b;
return strncmp(unkey_a->path, unkey_b->path,
sizeof(unkey_a->path)) == 0;
return false;
size_t len = kr_family_len(kkey_a->family);
return memcmp(key_a + offset, key_b + offset, len) == 0;
int kr_sockaddr_cmp(const struct sockaddr *left, const struct sockaddr *right)
if (!left || !right) {
......@@ -486,7 +534,10 @@ int kr_straddr_family(const char *addr)
if (strchr(addr, ':')) {
return AF_INET6;
return AF_INET;
if (strchr(addr, '.')) {
return AF_INET;
return kr_error(EINVAL);
int kr_family_len(int family)
......@@ -531,7 +582,6 @@ struct sockaddr * kr_straddr_socket(const char *addr, int port, knot_mm_t *pool)
return (struct sockaddr *)res;
return NULL;