v1.2.0 trust_anchors.file_current
If I run kresd with -k /root.key argument, value trust_anchors.file_current is nil but if I set trust_anchors.file="/root.key" then trust_anchors.file_current="/root.keys". I was expecting, that -k root argument is same as trust_anchors.file is it bug or my misconception?
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- Owner
Hmm, strange. Does it print anything interesting if run with
? For me it seems OK:$ kresd -a ::1#5353 -t ::1#5366 -v -k /tmp/test-root.key [ ta ] keyfile '/tmp/test-root.key': doesn't exist, bootstrapping [ ta ] warning: root anchor bootstrapped, you SHOULD check the key manually, see: https://data.iana.org/root-anchors/draft-icann-dnssec-trust-anchor.html#sigs [system] interactive mode ... > trust_anchors.file_current /tmp/test-root.key
- Owner
We changed some stuff around readability/writability of the path. It's possible some case has been missed.
- Author Reporter
I'm testing it on omnia
root@turris:~# cat /tmp/kresd.config --Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT modules = { 'hints > iterate' , 'policy' , 'stats' , predict = { window = 30 -- 30 minutes sampling window , period = 24*(60/30) -- track last 24 hours } } hints.config('/etc/hosts') net.bufsize(4096) net.ipv4=true net.ipv6=true cache.open(20*MB) cache.clear()
root@turris:~# kresd -c /tmp/kresd.config -k /etc/root.keys --verbose [ 0][hint] reading '/etc/hosts' [ 0][hint] loaded 1 hints [ ta ] keyfile '/etc/root.keys': not writeable, starting in unmanaged mode [ ta ] key: 19036 state: Valid [system] interactive mode > trust_anchors.file_current nil > trust_anchors [hold_down_time] => 2592000000 [refresh_ev] => 1 [keep_removed] => 0 [config] => function: 0xb68d72b0 [insecure] => { } [keyset] => { [1] => { [owner] => \0 [key_tag] => 19036 [state] => Valid [type] => 43 [ttl] => 3600 [rdata] => J\\8\2I\170\193\29{odFp.T\161`sq`z\26A\133R\0\253,\225\205\2222\242N\143\181 [class] => 1 } }
root@turris:/etc# ls -la root.keys -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 83 Jan 26 13:23 root.keys
- Guest
That's correct. The ta current_file is nil in unmanaged mode (directory or keyfile not writeable).
Edited by Ondřej Surý - Guest
Setting non writeable file or in non writeable directory in managed mode manually will just barf later on renewal.
- Author Reporter
OK so this issue could be probably closed.
I was thinking that if I set key by turst_anchors.file it should behave in same way as when it's set by -k argument (current_file should be nil). In both cases keyset is created but only difference visible to me was missing current_file variable.
- Guest
@jpavlinec It sort of behaves the same :), the
has a second option whether it's managed or not.So if you have your TA in read-only location, you should call
.But let's keep this open and do a refactoring on the code to handle more cases like that.
- Ondřej Surý assigned to @ondrej
assigned to @ondrej
- Ondřej Surý changed milestone to %1.3.0 release
changed milestone to %1.3.0 release
- Contributor
Reminder so we do not forget: As we discussed earlier, we should have different options for read-only and managed TA files. Plus handling of error cases should be more deterministic (and shared between CLI and interactive mode)...
- Ondřej Surý changed milestone to %1.3.x
changed milestone to %1.3.x
- Petr Špaček added feature label
added feature label
- Petr Špaček removed milestone
removed milestone
- Contributor
Marking as feature, we should clean the user interface to avoid confustion. It might be material for @vkriz when he gets used to kresd a bit during his bugfixing endeavor.
- Petr Špaček removed assignee
removed assignee
- Petr Špaček assigned to @vkriz
assigned to @vkriz
- Vitezslav Kriz mentioned in merge request !358 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !358 (merged)
- Petr Špaček removed feature label
removed feature label
- Petr Špaček added minor usability labels
- Contributor
This is a mess. Let's clean it!
- Petr Špaček closed via merge request !358 (merged)
closed via merge request !358 (merged)
- Petr Špaček closed via commit 43bb5246
closed via commit 43bb5246
- Petr Špaček mentioned in commit 43bb5246
mentioned in commit 43bb5246