DoH: error: attempt to call a userdata value stack traceback
Thanks for adding DoH support in your latest release. We started the process to migrate our current public DoH server to knot-resolver. Our knot-resolver test setup works so far but we see the following entries in our logs when pointing (a single) firefox (in GET mode) to the endpoint (which is behind nginx):
[worker.background] error: attempt to call a userdata value stack traceback:
#011[C]: in function 'wait'
#011/usr/share/lua/5.1/cqueues/condition.lua:13: in function 'wait'
#011/usr/lib/knot-resolver/kres_modules/http_doh.lua:102: in function 'data'
#011/usr/lib/knot-resolver/kres_modules/http.lua:177: in function </usr/lib/knot-resolver/kres_modules/http.lua:160>
#011[C]: in function 'yieldable_pcall'
#011/usr/lib/knot-resolver/kres_modules/http.lua:232: in function </usr/lib/knot-resolver/kres_modules/http.lua:207>
#011[C]: in function 'yieldable_pcall'
#011/usr/share/lua/5.1/http/server.lua:159: in function </usr/share/lua/5.1/http/server.lua:158>
The frequency of these log events varies but we see multiple occurrences with a single browser.
firefox (network.trr.useGET = true) -> nginx -> knot-resolver
knot-resolver 4.0.0
Edited by Foundation for Applied Privacy