daf: rewrite not working in 5.5.1
My daf config stopped working after upgrading from 5.4.3 to 5.5.1. It seems related to the recent changes to the renumber module.
daf.add('src = rewrite host.domain.local. A')
After adding the below debug config, I noticed an error related to the renumber module.
Debug Config
policy.add(policy.suffix(policy.DEBUG_ALWAYS, policy.todnames({'host.domain.local'})))
[system] error: /usr/lib/knot-resolver/kres_modules/renumber.lua:33: attempt to compare number with nil
After reverting to the 5.4.3 version of renumber.lua, daf rewrite works again, so the recent renumber changes seem to have broken this in 5.5.1.