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Foris is a simplified web interface to router administration using netconf and nuci behind the scenes. Foris means gate in Latin.
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JE U LEDU. Nikdo stránku nechce a HaaS má podobnou, tak jsme honeymap.cz přesměrovali tam. Viz #2
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Projekt pro vytvoření jednotného rozhraní ke všem statistikám, které dává CZ.NIC navenek k dispozici.
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Universal web client for the RESTCONF protocol
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CZ.NIC Product template for Pelican. This template runs powers Knot DNS, DNSSEC Validator and DSCng websites.
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The latest, simple, and the most user-friendly interface for Turris routers.
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The latest, simple, and the most user-friendly interface for Turris routers.
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REST API application for whole Sentinel authentication backend.
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