• Martin Matějek's avatar
    handle result of nextcloud_install script · 2d93bce0
    Martin Matějek authored
    It would be more useful to return result as boolean value in any case,
    instead of the "success or exception" logic.
    `nextcloud_install` in now executed on background (--daemon) because
    the configure process takes quite a long time. And the request to
    configure nextcloud from frontend usually timeout before we are able to
    send result back.
    Progress of configure action is reported back to frontend via WS,
    by the script itself.
    Nevertheless it is still good idea to check retval of the script
    execution, because we can report result of the operation quickly.
    Regardless whether it successfully started or failed.
    The logic is following:
    * retval == 0 --> script executed successfully and configuration is
      underway --> success
    * retval != 0 --> something unexpected happened while executing script
      (before going to background) --> failure