- Nov 08, 2017
Štěpán Henek authored
Starts a program which takes some time to finish. Wrapper in foris-controller is able to run it asynchronously. It also reads its output to send notifications according to the matched lines. The notifications are displayed on the page using javascript. program/sample.sh * program which takes some time * it is continuosly sending some output data Makefile * copy sample program into the system module/foris_controller_modules/sample/schema/sample.json * schema for sample_notification, sample_exit notification added * schema for sample_trigger, sample_status requests/replies aded module/foris_controller_modules/sample/__init__.py * handle sample_trigger and sample_status actions added * note that sample_trigger prepares notification handlers and reset notification connection function module/foris_controller_modules/sample/handlers/openwrt.py * link sample_trigger and sample_status with backend functions module/foris_controller_backends/sample/__init__.py * handles command using AsyncCommand class src/__init__.py * ajax call handling added src/templates/sample_plugin/sample_plugin.tpl * javascript handlers to recieve notifications * ajax calls for sample_trigger and sample_status
- Oct 31, 2017
Štěpán Henek authored
Create two forms which are able to modify a content of an anonymous section in uci config. module/foris_controller_modules/sample/schema/sample.json * added schema for get_stored_data, store_current_data and delete_stored_data calls module/foris_controller_modules/sample/__init__.py * actions get_stored_data, store_current_data and delete_stored_data added module/foris_controller_modules/sample/handlers/openwrt.py * binded functions get_stored_data, store_current_data and delete_stored_data to openwrt backend module/foris_controller_backends/sample/__init__.py * implement functions get_stored_data, store_current_data and delete_stored_data program/sample.config * add sample data src/__init__.py: * obtain stored data * handle action to remove the stored data * handle an action to append the current data to the stored data src/static/css/sample_plugin.css * format the table which displays the stored data src/templates/sample_plugin/sample_plugin.tpl * new tables and forms
Štěpán Henek authored
Data are periodically generated inside the sample program. The program sends an notification to connected clients. The notification is processed by the browser. program/sample * periodically sends a validated notification via foris infrastructure module/foris_controller_modules/sample/schema/sample.json * new_data notification added into the schema src/templates/sample_plugin/sample_plugin.tpl * added hooks to update the chart and the table when a new_data notification is recieved src/templates/javascript/sample_plugin/sample_plugin.js.tpl * another type of chart is used * function to dynamically update chart with new data added
Štěpán Henek authored
Dynamically update table and chart when the slices config option changes. It uses an ajax call to acquire current data set. src/__init__.py * an ajax call handler added src/templates/sample_plugin/sample_plugin.tpl * data table moved to a separate template * make an ajax call when a notification from websocket server is recieved src/templates/sample_plugin/_table.tpl * table template (used in ajax call and in the main template)
Štěpán Henek authored
Statically displays data obtained via the configuration backend. A sample program and and an init script were implemented to act as a data source. Data are displayed in a table an inside a chart. Makefile * sample program installation added program/sample * sample program to provide data * listens on a unix socket and provides data to clients * the data are lost whenever the program exits * it takes cmd line argument to specify how many data elements should be passed to clients program/sample.init * an init script which binds sample program with sample uci config module/foris_controller_backends/sample/__init__.py * calls sample program function via unix socket * restart sample program whenever slice count option changes (current data are lost) module/foris_controller_modules/sample/__init__.py * action get_data added module/foris_controller_modules/sample/handlers/openwrt.py * action get_data binded to appropriate backend action module/foris_controller_modules/sample/schema/sample.json * get_data request and reply msg types added src/__init__.py * links to js and css files was set and rendered src/static/css/sample_plugin.css * css file of the plugin src/static/js/Chart.bundle.min.js * static js file containing 3rd party chart library src/templates/sample_plugin/sample_plugin.tpl * table and a chart containers were added into the template src/templates/javascript/sample_plugin/sample_plugin.js.tpl * dynamically generated js file (contains translations) * reads data from the sample table and prepares the chart
Štěpán Henek authored
Dynamically update the page whenever the configuration changes. Opens a websocket connection to listen for configuration updates and calls a dedicated handler function. module/foris_controller_modules/sample/schema/sample.json * add notification message into the schema module/foris_controller_modules/sample/__init__.py * send a notification if configuration was updated src/templates/sample_plugin/sample_plugin.tpl * add a js notification handler
Štěpán Henek authored
Display a custom message when a form is saved. __init__.py * append a message * disable the default message
Štěpán Henek authored
A form was added to change a single option in the configuration backend. The backend module was created to process the requests from the web frontend. Makefile * updated to deploy the foris-controller sample module module/foris_controller_modules/sample/schema/sample.json * the communication schema between the backend (foris-controller) and the client (foris) module/foris_controller_modules/sample/__init__.py * the main module file * contains actions which are defined in the schema and calls handler functions the prepare the response * backend independent module module/foris_controller_modules/sample/handlers/openwrt.py * openwrt handler * links handler functions to appropriate backend functions module/foris_controller_sample_module/__init__.py * contains a version of the module module/foris_controller_backends/sample/__init__.py * calls uci to modify the configuration program/sample.config * uci config which will be modified src/__init__.py * prepares a form and fills it with a value obtained from the configuration backend * trigger for value update * src/templates/sample_plugin/sample_plugin.tpl * renders a form
Štěpán Henek authored
This is a minimal version of the foris plugin. It just adds a menu item into the main menu and renders the page. src/__init__.py * This file contains the main logic of the plugin * Requtests should be process through this file and a template is rendered src/templates/sample_plugin/sample_plugin.tpl * contains a mininal template skeleton * %include("_messages.tpl") - serves to render messages from foris Makefile * makefile to deploy the plugin
- Oct 25, 2017
Štěpán Henek authored
Štěpán Henek authored
- Jun 12, 2017
Štěpán Henek authored