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Verified Commit 857c4291 authored by Karel Koci's avatar Karel Koci :metal:
Browse files

Revert "lists/migrate3x: Add provides and virtuals to pass migration"

This reverts commit 9b6f3aea.

With updater version 64.0 we can specify that all install requests
should be considered optional so this can be replaced with single line.
parent 9b6f3aea
No related merge requests found
......@@ -80,294 +80,3 @@ Package("tos3to4", { replan = "finished" })
We are potentially migrating from uClibc so reinstall everything depending on it.
Package("libc", { abi_change_deep = true })
To make migration little bit smooth we set some packages to be provided and to be
virtual just to minimize change of being stuck with request for missing package.
These happen primarily because users installed some package with opkg. In most
cases if this package was renamed in 4.0+ the provides for old names were dropped.
This does not solve problem ultimately. It instead moves problem for user to
solver later when migration is completed. User have to modify its requests.
if features and features.provides then
-- Updater
Package("updater-ng", { provides = {"updater", "opkg-trans"} })
Package("localrepo", { provides = "updater-ng-localrepo" })
Package("updater-opkg-wrapper", { provides = "updater-ng-opkg" })
Package("updater-supervisor", { provides = "updater-ng-supervisor" })
Package("updater-ng-migration-helper", { virtual = true })
-- Userlits to package lists
Package("pkglists", { provides = "userlists" })
for _, l10n in pairs({"cs", "de", "fr", "hu", "ng", "pl", "ru", "sk"}) do
Package("pkglists-l10n-" .. l10n, { provides = "userlists-l10n-" .. l10n })
-- System tools
Package("syslog-ng", { provides = "syslog-ng3" })
Package("dnsmasq-full", { provides = "dnsmasq" })
Package("cython", { provides = "cython3" })
Package("libuhttpd-openssl", { provides = "uhttpd-mod-tls" })
Package("procd", { provides = {"procd-nand", "procd-nand-firstboot"} })
Package("mariadb-server", { provides = "mysql-server" })
Package("ntfs-3g", { provides = "ntfsprogs_ntfs-3g" })
Package("blockd", { provides = "mountd" })
Package("dosfstools", { provides = {"mkdosfs", "dosfsck", "dosfslabel"} })
Package("mdnsd", { provides = "mdns" })
Package("conntrack", { provides = "conntrack-tools" })
Package("gettext-tools", { provides = "gettext" })
Package("findutils-find", { provides = "findutils" })
Package("emailrelay", { provides = "emailrelay-nossl" })
-- Foris
Package("foris-client", { provides = {"foris-client-bin", "foris-client-python3"} })
Package("foris-schema", { provides = "foris-schema-python3" })
Package("foris-client-python2", { virtual = true })
Package("foris-common", { virtual = true })
Package("foris-config", { virtual = true })
Package("foris-plugin-ups-pfc8591", { virtual = true })
-- Various replacements (these are not ideal replacements but something at least)
Packages("domoticz", { provides = "domoticz-turris-gadgets" })
Package("snmpd", { provides = "snmpd-static" })
Package("iperf", { provides = "iperf-mt" })
Package("shairport-sync-openssl", { provides = "shairport" })
Package("shadowsocks-libev-config", { provides = "shadowsocks-libev" })
Package("lxc-copy", { provides = "lxc-clone" })
Package("gst1-mod-camerabin", { provides = "gst1-mod-camerabin2" })
Package("gst1-mod-oss4", { provides = "gst1-mod-oss4audio" })
Package("canutils-log-conversion", {
virtual = true, depends = {"canutils-log2asc", "canutils-log2long"} })
Package("netopeer2-keystored", { provides = "netopeer2-cli" })
Package("knxd", { provides = "knxd-tools" })
Package("luci-app-cshark", { provides = "cshark" })
-- Missing collectd modules (just ignore them)
local collectd_mods = {
"dbi", "madwifi", "nut"
for _, mod in pairs(collectd_mods) do
Package("collectd-mod-" .. mod, { virtual = true })
Package("nikola", { virtual = true })
Package("ssbackups", { virtual = true })
-- freeradius2 (just ignore it as we no longer provide it
local freeradius = {
"", "-common", "-democerts", "-mod-always", "-mod-attr-filter",
"-mod-attr-rewrite", "-mod-chap", "-mod-detail", "-mod-eap", "-mod-eap-gtc",
"-mod-eap-md5", "-mod-eap-mschapv2", "-mod-eap-peap", "-mod-eap-tls",
"-mod-eap-ttls", "-mod-exec", "-mod-expiration", "-mod-expr", "-mod-files",
"-mod-ldap", "-mod-logintime", "-mod-mschap", "-mod-pap", "-mod-passwd",
"-mod-preprocess", "-mod-radutmp", "-mod-realm", "-mod-sql", "-mod-sql-mysql",
"-mod-sql-pgsql", "-mod-sql-sqlite", "-mod-sqlcounter", "-mod-sqllog",
for _, pkg in pairs(freeradius) do
Package("freeradius2" .. pkg, { virtual = true })
-- Kernel modules (no longer provided)
local kmods = {
"8021q", "appletalk", "ata-ahci-platform", "ata-mvebu-ahci", "bridge",
"crypto-marvell-cesa", "crypto-mv-cesa", "fs-9p", "fs-afs",
"fs-nfs-common-v4", "hostap", "hostap-pci", "hostap-plx", "hwmon-gsc",
"i2c-mv64xxx", "ide-aec62xx", "ide-core", "ide-generic", "ide-generic-old",
"ide-it821x", "ide-pdc202xx", "ipvti", "leds-tlc59116", "ledtrig-morse",
"ledtrig-netfilter", "ledtrig-usbdev", "lib-oid-registry", "lib-zlib", "llc",
"mvsdio", "net-airo", "net-rtl8188eu", "nfnetlink-nfacct",
"rotary-gpio-custom", "rtc-armada38x", "rtc-marvell", "rxrpc", "sched-esfq",
"spi-gpio-old", "stp", "thermal", "thermal-armada", "usb-net-smsc75xx",
"usb-serial-motorola-phone", "usb-udl", "video-gspca-sq930x", "video-sn9c102",
for _, kmod in pairs(kmods) do
Package("kmod-" .. kmod, { virtual = true })
-- MTD utils (not available and as it seems not replaced)
local mtd_utils = {
"", "-doc-loadbios", "-docfdisk", "-flash-erase", "-flash-eraseall",
"-flash-lock", "-flash-otp-dump", "-flash-otp-lock", "-flash-otp-write",
"-flash-unlock", "-flashcp", "-ftl-check", "-ftl-format", "-jffs2dump",
"-jffs2reader", "-mkfs.jffs2", "-mkfs.ubifs", "-mtd-debug", "-mtdinfo",
"-nanddump", "-nandtest", "-nandwrite", "-nftl-format", "-nftldump",
"-recv-image", "-rfddump", "-rfdformat", "-serve-image", "-sumtool", "-tests",
"-ubiattach", "-ubicrc32", "-ubidetach", "-ubiformat", "-ubimkvol", "-ubinfo",
"-ubinize", "-ubirename", "-ubirmvol", "-ubirsvol", "-ubiupdatevol"
for _, mtd in pairs(mtd_utils) do
Package("mtd-utils" .. mtd, { virtual = true })
-- uCollect (no longer avaialable)
local ucollect = {
"badconf", "bandwidth", "config", "count", "diffstore", "fake", "flow",
"fwup", "lib", "meta", "prog", "refused", "sniff", "spoof"
for _, ext in pairs(ucollect) do
Package("ucollect-" .. ext, { virtual = true })
Package("server-uplink", { virtual = true })
-- NUCI (no longer available)
local nuci = {
"", "-ca-gen", "-diagnostics", "-nethist", "-openvpn-client", "-smrt", "-tls"
for _, ext in pairs(nuci) do
Package("nuci" .. ext, { virtual = true })
-- PHP5 not available so replace with PHP7
local php5 = {
"", "-cgi", "-cli", "-fastcgi", "-fpm", "-mod-calendar", "-mod-ctype",
"-mod-curl", "-mod-dom", "-mod-exif", "-mod-fileinfo", "-mod-ftp", "-mod-gd",
"-mod-gettext", "-mod-gmp", "-mod-hash", "-mod-iconv", "-mod-intl",
"-mod-json", "-mod-ldap", "-mod-mbstring", "-mod-mysqli", "-mod-opcache",
"-mod-openssl", "-mod-pcntl", "-mod-pdo", "-mod-pdo-mysql", "-mod-pdo-pgsql",
"-mod-pdo-sqlite", "-mod-pgsql", "-mod-session", "-mod-shmop",
"-mod-simplexml", "-mod-soap", "-mod-sockets", "-mod-sqlite3", "-mod-sysvmsg",
"-mod-sysvsem", "-mod-sysvshm", "-mod-tokenizer", "-mod-xml",
"-mod-xmlreader", "-mod-xmlwriter", "-mod-zip", "-pecl-dio", "-pecl-libevent",
"-pecl-propro", "-pecl-raphf"
for _, ext in pairs(php5) do
Package("php7" .. ext, { provides = "php5" .. ext })
Package("php5-mod-mysql", { virtual = true })
Package("php5-mod-mcrypt", { virtual = true })
Package("php7-mod-mcrypt", { virtual = true })
-- Python 2 (no longer available, migrate to Python3)
local python2 = {
"-bottle", "-bottle-i18n", "-cachetools", "-functools32", "-gmpy", "-jinja2",
"-jsonschema", "-markupsafe", "-mysql", "-paho-mqtt", "-spidev",
"-turris-gpio", "-uci", "2-turrishw"
for _, ext in pairs(python2) do
Package("python" .. ext, { virtual = true })
Package("python-simplejson" , { provides = "simplejson" })
-- Python3
local python3 = {
"astral", "augeas", "dns", "flasklogin", "maxminddb", "netdisco",
"netifaces", "pytest", "turrisgpio", "zeroconf"
for _, ext in pairs(python3) do
Package("python3-" .. ext, { virtual = true })
Package("python3-yaml", { provides = "python3-pyyaml" })
Package("turrishw", { provides = "python3-turrishw" })
-- Cups (removed as unmaintainable)
local cups = {
"cups", "cups-bjnp", "cups-bsd", "cups-client", "cups-ppdc", "libcups",
"libcupscgi", "libcupsimage", "libcupsmime", "libcupsppdc", "gutenprint-cups",
"luci-app-cups", "openprinting-cups-filters", "hplip",
for _, pkg in pairs(cups) do
Package(pkg, { virtual = true })
-- WiFi
Package("iw-full", { provides = "iw" })
Package("wpa-supplicant-mesh-openssl", { provides = "wpa-supplicant-mesh" })
Package("wpad-mesh-openssl", { provides = "wpad-mesh" })
Package("wpad", { provides = "wpad-mini" })
-- Hardware
Package("u-boot-omnia", { provides = "uboot-turris-omnia" })
-- Luci App for Asterisk (no longer available)
Package("luci-app-asterisk", { virtual = true })
local asterisk_langs = {
"ca", "cs", "de", "el", "en", "es", "fr", "he", "hu", "it", "ja", "ms", "no",
"pl", "pt", "pt-br", "ro", "ru", "sk", "sv", "tr", "uk", "vi", "zh-cn",
for _, lang in pairs(asterisk_langs) do
Package("luci-i18n-asterisk-" .. lang, { virtual = true })
-- nginx
Package("nginx-mod-luci", { virtual = true })
Package("nginx-mod-luci-ssl", { virtual = true })
Package("nginx", { provides = {"nginx-ssl", "nginx-all-module"} })
-- These pacakge do not compile so we mark them as virtual
local nobuild = {
"alpine", "alpine-nossl", "gnunet-dv", "gnunet-flat", "gnunet-social",
"yate-mod-sip_cnam_lnp", "yate-mod-speexcodec", "ppp-mod-pppoa"
for _, pkg in pairs(nobuild) do
Package(pkg, { virtual = true })
-- Various libraries (should not harm to ignore them)
local libraries = {
"libcyassl", "liberation-fonts", "libevent", "libevhtp", "libfreecwmp",
"libijs", "libjbigkit", "libmaxminddb", "libmicroxml", "libmysqlclient",
"libmysqlclient-r", "libncursesw", "libnetconf", "libnetconf2", "libnfc",
"libnfsidmap", "libortp", "libpolarssl", "libresample", "libssh", "libtoxav",
"libtoxcore", "libtoxdns", "libtoxencryptsave", "libwebsockets-cyassl",
for _, pkg in pairs(libraries) do
Package(pkg, { virtual = true })
-- General removed packages
local dropped = {
"btrfs-convert", "ctorrent", "ctorrent-nossl", "ctorrent-svn",
"ctorrent-svn-nossl", "ups-pfc8591", "userspace_time_sync", "w_scan", "wol",
"wshaper", "ubuntu-fonts", "udev", "thermometer", "tig", "tox-bootstrapd",
"suricata-monitor", "suricata-rules", "qemu", "oneshot", "sfpswitch",
"luci-app-majordomo", "luci-app-nut", "luci-app-shairport",
"luci-i18n-shadowsocks-libev-sv", "luci-i18n-shadowsocks-libev-zh-cn",
"luci-i18n-wireguard-zh-tw", "lxc-lua", "ghostscript",
"ghostscript-fonts-std", "ghostscript-gnu-gs-fonts-other",
"gst1-mod-dataurisrc", "gst1-mod-liveadder", "gst1-mod-mad",
"gst1-mod-rawparse", "gst1-mod-souphttpsrc", "aiccu", "aiccu-gnutls",
"lua-cqueues", "lcollect", "lcollect-majordomo", "mac-to-devinfo", "mcutool",
"meek", "netdiscover-to-devinfo", "nethist", "nfc-utils", "ntox", "oor",
"oprofile", "oprofile-utils", "pimbd", "poppler", "pynrf24", "qpdf",
"quagga-babeld", "robocfg", "shflags", "shtool", "siproxd-mod-fix_bogus_via",
"smap-to-devinfo", "l7-protocols", "l7-protocols-testing", "augeas",
"authsae", "classpath", "classpath-tools", "dansguardian", "dmapd",
"engine_pkcs11", "freecwmp", "freenetconfd", "freenetconfd-plugin-examples",
"freesub", "home-assistant", "home-assistant-turris-gadgets", "hostap-utils",
"iotivity-things-manager", "iotivity-things-manager-lib",
"iptables-mod-nfacct", "lcms2",
for _, pkg in pairs(dropped) do
Package(pkg, { virtual = true })
-- Samba4 is not available (in TOS 4.x)
local samba4 = {
"admin", "client", "libs", "server", "utils"
for _, ext in pairs(samba4) do
Package("samba4-" .. ext, { virtual = true })
Package("luci-app-samba4", { virtual = true })
local samba4_langs = {
"ca", "cs", "de", "el", "en", "es", "fr", "he", "hu", "it", "ja", "ms", "no",
"pl", "pt", "pt-br", "ro", "ru", "sk", "sv", "tr", "uk", "vi", "zh-cn",
for _, lang in pairs(samba4_langs) do
Package("luci-i18n-samba4-" .. lang, { virtual = true })
-- Packages from Turris not available in TOS 4.0+ (yet)
local notyet = {
"ltemetr-core", "ssdeep", "suricata-emergingthreats-rules-ludus", "ludus",
"ludus-gui", "atlas-probe atlas-sw-probe",
for _, pkg in pairs(notyet) do
Package(pkg, { virtual = true })
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