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Verified Commit b3c570de authored by Karel Koci's avatar Karel Koci :metal:
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lists: move to external repository and link using feeds

This moves lists to external repository. The reason for this is clean
consistency in release cycle. Build of updater's lists is really fast
and runs in parallel to build of packages. This means that we
regularly deploy newer version of lists (newer commit from turris-build)
than packages. This is problematic from technical point of view only if
change causes breakage but this is not solution for that. This tries to
solve problem of what version of Turris-build was then actually used
and which should be marked as used in release. We can end up in
situation where lists contain critical fix but packages are not yet
build and we want to do release. Tagging newer turris-build is
appropriate in that case but that makes packages inconsistent.
Tracking lists separately as "feed" is in this case better approach as
inconsistencies are mitigated this way.
parent 2c32efb7
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