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Verified Commit cf6737ef authored by Karel Koci's avatar Karel Koci :metal:
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Document release and steps for new version branch

parent 43de2dbe
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......@@ -4,16 +4,54 @@ Simple Turris OS building script
Getting started
Create an empty directory you want to build Turris OS in, enter that directory
and from it call `compile_pkgs` script. In most basic use-case, this should be
enough. Be aware - *it will delete all previous content of the current
directory*. You can repeat individual steps of the compilation separately,
check with the following command `compile_pkgs --help` for a list of available commands, generic options, and
their brief descriptions.
Create an empty directory you want to build Turris OS in, enter that directory and
from it call `compile_pkgs` script. In most basic use-case, this should be enough.
Be aware - *it will delete all previous content of the current directory*. You can
repeat individual steps of the compilation separately, check with the following
command `compile_pkgs --help` for a list of available commands, generic options,
and their brief descriptions.
Advanced usage
Building a single package
To build only one package you have to first prepare build directory. That can be
achieved by running in target directory.
compile_pkgs prepare_tools -t board # <1>
<1> ~-t~ means `-target`, so only valid values are `turris`, `omnia`, `mox`.
Be aware *it removes previous content of current directory*!
Once, you have compiled required tools, you need **enter build directory** and
then run `make menuconfig`, select the package you want to compile and save it.
Then you can build it using this command: +
make package/name/compile # <2>
<2> ~name~ is package name, which you want to compile.
You can also clean single package just by replacing `compile` with `clean`.
The resulting package is placed in directory **bin/packages/~ARCH~/~REPO~**
;; `ARCH` is target architecture specific string.
;; `REPO` is the name of package's source repository.
Occasionally, you can meet cases, where you need to run `make
package/name/compile` with parameters `-j1 V=s` or `-j1 V=sc` to be able to see,
what went wrong.
Development and maintenance
......@@ -30,6 +68,37 @@ it lines with new features in the release. This file is used to generate
`turris-version` package. `compile_pkgs` script reads it, finds the newest
version and from notes underneath it creates the package with release notes.
Releasing new version
When new version is released to Snails (see workflow for explanation) then new
commit with hashes has to be created and pushed. This commit have to be tagged
with appropriate version tag in format `vVERSION` where VERSION is released
version. To make this all simple and to correctly set always all configurations we
have script `helpers/`. Run this script after release from
turris-build project root directory and it is going to automatically detect,
commit and tag new version. You should review commit and tag it created for you
and then push it using `git push --tags`.
Script `helpers/` can generate various errors and warnings. It is
advised to run it even before release in `verify` mode to review possible problems
with release.
Forking new release
According to workflow new releases are forked from parent branch. During this
process care should be taken to tweak defaults to appropriate values. Following
list should be taken as a checklist for new release branch.
. Set `PUBLISH_BRANCH` in ``. Master branch should always be set to
`hbd` and release branches should be set to `hbs`.
. Set branches in `feeds.conf`. You should append string like this:
`;openwrt-18.06`. This has to be done for all OpenWRT feeds as well for OpenWRT
it self. URL used by `compile_pkgs` is specified as first line in `feeds.conf`
and with exception of first column it has same format as feeds. Note that that
line is intentionally commented out as that is not feed.
......@@ -60,33 +129,3 @@ manually and afterward, we need to call `git add` on newly patched files. Once
all conflicts are resolved, `git am --continue` will create real commit that we
were trying to add using `git am`. Now all that is left is to export it using
`git format-patch -1` and overwrite patch stored in it of _build_ repository.
Building a single package
To build only one package you have to first prepare build directory. That can be
achieved by running in target directory.
compile_pkgs prepare_tools -t board # <1>
<1> ~-t~ means `-target`, so only valid values are `turris`, `omnia`, `mox`.
Be aware *it removes previous content of current directory*!
Once, you have compiled required tools, you need **enter build directory** and then run `make menuconfig`, select the package you want to compile and save it.
Then you can build it using this command: +
make package/name/compile # <2>
<2> ~name~ is package name, which you want to compile.
You can also clean single package just by replacing `compile` with `clean`.
The resulting package is placed in directory **bin/packages/~ARCH~/~REPO~**
;; `ARCH` is target architecture specific string.
;; `REPO` is the name of package's source repository.
Occasionally, you can meet cases, where you need to run `make package/name/compile` with parameters `-j1 V=s` or `-j1 V=sc` to be able to see, what went wrong.
......@@ -61,10 +61,19 @@ set_target() {
# Get OpenWRT URL and branch from feeds.conf file
openwrt_feed() {
# OpenWRT git repository URL
OPENWRT_URL="$(sed -n 's/# openwrt \([^;^]\+\).*/\1/p' "$src_dir/feeds.conf")"
# Git reference used to checkout OpenWRT repository
OPENWRT_BRANCH="$(sed -n 's/# openwrt [^;^]\+[;^]\([^\s]\+\).*/\1/p' "$src_dir/feeds.conf")"
# Check if ^ is used to separate URL and branch and in such case it is hash not branch
grep -E '^# openwrt [^;^]+\^.+' "$src_dir/feeds.conf" && OPENWRT_BRANCH="#$OPENWRT_BRANCH"
# Configuration variables
OPENWRT_URL="" # OpenWRT git repository URL
OPENWRT_BRANCH="openwrt-18.06" # Git reference used to checkout OpenWRT repository
PUBLISH_BRANCH="hbs" # Target publish branch
. "$src_dir/"
FORCE="" # Force build
EVERYTHING="" # Set this variable to build all packages not only minimal set
CLONE_DEEP="" # Set this variable to clone OpenWRT tree in full depth not just latest commit
......@@ -76,6 +85,7 @@ DL_MIRROR="" # Path to downloads mirror directory
CCACHE_HOST_DIR="" # Path to ccache directory for host compilations
CCACHE_TARGET_DIR="" # Path to ccache directory for target compilations
OUTPUT_DIR="./pkgsrepo" # Output directory for pkgsrepo command
# Load configurations
[ -f "${src_dir}"/turris-build.conf ] && . "${src_dir}"/turris-build.conf
# This file contains project wide defaults. They are here because we have to tweak
# these defaults every time we fork new release.
# This sets default publish branch
# Expected values are:
# "hbd" for master branch
# "hbs" for release branch
## Following line defines used openwrt repository.
## It is commented out because it is not feed but is used by compile_pkgs script.
# openwrt;openwrt-18.06
src-git turrispackages^origin/master
src-git packages^origin/openwrt-18.06
src-git luci^origin/openwrt-18.06
......@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
set -e
. "$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$0")")/"
export BOARD=
export BRANCH="hbs"
export L10N=cs,de
# TODO fill in default lists when we have them selected
# Turris OS script verifying new release
# (C) 2019 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
set -e
# * Do we want to verify medkit somehow?
# Constants
BOARDS=('mox' 'omnia' 'turris')
info() {
printf "%s\n" "$@" >&2
warning() {
if [ -t 2 ]; then
echo -e "${COLOR_ORANGE}$*${COLOR_OFF}" >&2
echo -e "WARNING: $*" >&2
error() {
if [ -t 2 ]; then
echo -e "${COLOR_RED}$*${COLOR_OFF}" >&2
echo -e "ERROR: $*" >&2
fail() {
error "$@"
exit 1
ask() {
echo -e "${COLOR_GREEN}$*${COLOR_OFF}" >&2
local answer
read -r -p "Write upper case yes to continue: " answer
[ "$answer" = "YES" ] || return 1
cleanup() {
[ -d "$FETCH_DIR" ] && rm -rf "$FETCH_DIR"
return 0
# Fetch all files we need from repository
fetch_files() {
local branch="$1"
FETCH_DIR="$(mktemp -d)"
curl -s "$REPO/$branch/lists/git-hash" >"$GIT_HASH_LISTS"
curl -s "$REPO/$branch/lists/turris-version" >"$VERSION_LISTS"
for board in "${BOARDS[@]}"; do
curl -s "$REPO/$branch/packages/$board/git-hash" >"$GIT_HASH_PACKAGES-$board"
# Get git hash from git-hash file on REPO
# Expected arguments are: BOARD FEED
git_hash() {
awk -v feed="$2:" '$2 == feed { print $3; exit }' "$GIT_HASH_PACKAGES-$1"
# Get turris-build hash
# (version is primarily sourced from lists so consider lists as authoritative)
tb_hash() {
local ec=0
local l_hash b_hash
l_hash="$(cat "$GIT_HASH_LISTS")"
for board in "${BOARDS[@]}"; do
b_hash="$(git_hash "$board" "turris-build")"
[ "$b_hash" = "$l_hash" ] || {
error "Turris build used to generate lists is not same as for packages for board: $board ($l_hash / $b_hash)"
echo "$l_hash"
return $ec
# Get hash for openwrt
owrt_hash() {
local ec=0
local hsh="" t_hsh
# TODO this is not optimal and better would be to decide which is authoritative (newer?)
for board in "${BOARDS[@]}"; do
t_hsh="$(git_hash "$board" openwrt)"
[ -n "$hsh" ] || hsh="$t_hsh"
if [ "$t_hsh" != "$hsh" ]; then
error "Different OpenWRT commit build for board: $board ($hsh / $t_hsh)"
echo "$hsh"
return $ec
# This function sets dictionary FEEDS by collecting all feeds in git-hash
# Caller should define associative array FEEDS
feeds() {
local ec=0
# TODO this is not optimal and better would be to decide which is authoritative (newer?)
for board in "${BOARDS[@]}"; do
local lines feed hsh
lines="$(sed -En 's|^ \* feeds/([^:]+): ([^\s]+)|\1 \2|p' "$GIT_HASH_PACKAGES-$board")"
while read -r feed hsh; do
if [[ -v "FEEDS[$feed]" ]]; then
if [ "$hsh" != "${FEEDS["$feed"]}" ]; then
error "Different feed ($feed) commit compiled for $board (${FEEDS["$feed"]} / $hsh)"
done <<<"$lines"
return $ec
# Sets given hash as a feed target
# Arguments: FEED HASH
feeds_conf_set() {
awk -v feed="$1" -v hash="$2" \
'$2 == feed { gsub("[;^].*$", "", $3); gsub("$", "^" hash) } { print $0 }' \
./feeds.conf >
mv ./ ./feeds.conf
check_for_turris_build_root() {
[ -e .git -a -f ./feeds.conf ] || \
fail "This has to be run from turris-build root"
verify() {
local branch="$1"
local ec=0
declare -A FEEDS
fetch_files "$branch"
tb_hash >/dev/null || ec=$?
owrt_hash >/dev/null || ec=$?
feeds || ec=$?
[ "$ec" = 0 ] && info "No problems detected in branch: $branch"
return $ec
release() {
local branch="$1"
local tversion target_hsh owrt_hsh
declare -A FEEDS
fetch_files "$branch"
tversion="$(cat "$VERSION_LISTS")"
target_hsh="$(tb_hash)" || ask "turris-build hashes do not match. Planning to use: $target_hsh"
owrt_hsh="$(owrt_hash)" || ask "openwrt hashes do not match. Planning to use: $owrt_hsh"
feeds || ask "feed hashes do not match. Please review difference."
local tag="v$tversion"
git rev-parse "$tag" &>/dev/null && \
fail "Tag for version $tag exists."
git checkout "$target_hsh"
feeds_conf_set openwrt "$owrt_hsh"
for feed in "${!FEEDS[@]}"; do
feeds_conf_set "$feed" "${FEEDS["$feed"]}"
git add ./feeds.conf
git ci -m "Turris OS $tversion"
git tag -s -m "Turris OS $tversion release" "v$tversion"
info "Tag $tag was created. Review changes and push it with: git push --tags origin"
print_help() {
echo "Usage: $0 [OPTION].. [MODE [BRANCH]]"
echo "Turris OS new releases managing tool."
echo "Options:"
echo " -v Run script with verbose output"
echo " -h Print this help text"
echo "Modes:"
echo " verify"
echo " Run script in verify mode where BRANCH (in default $DEFAULT_VERIFY_BRANCH) is checked"
echo " for possible release problems. This is default."
echo " release"
echo " Create new commit and tag for release to BRANCH (in default $DEFAULT_RELEASE_BRANCH)"
echo "Example usage:"
echo " Verify branch to be released: $0 verify"
echo " Commit and tag new release: $0 release"
while getopts ':hd' OPT; do
case "$OPT" in
exit 0
set -x
error "Illegal option '-$OPTARG'"
exit 1
shift $(( OPTIND-1 ))
[ $# -le 2 ] || fail "Provided too many arguments. See help \`-h\`"
case "${1:-verify}" in
verify "${2:-${DEFAULT_VERIFY_BRANCH}}"
release "${2:-${DEFAULT_RELEASE_BRANCH}}"
fail "Invalid mode: $1"
......@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ SIGN_KEY="mime.key"
# Set target board. Allowed arguments are: turris, omnia and mox
set_target mox
# Git reference used to checkout OpenWRT repository
# Target publish branch
# Force build (set to some number to try build multiple times)
......@@ -46,8 +44,6 @@ set_target mox
## Variables that you most probably want to let in default #######################
# OpenWRT git repository URL
# Set this variable to clone OpenWRT tree in full depth not just latest commit
0% or .
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