Backport SFP patches to Turris OS kernel
List of patches for Realtek GPON SFP from
- 0d035bed2a4a - net: sfp: VSOL V2801F / CarlitoxxPro CPGOS03-0490 v2.0 workaround
- 7a77233ec6d1 - net: sfp: relax bitrate-derived mode check
- 624407d2cf14 - net: sfp: cope with SFPs that set both LOS normal and LOS inverted
- 426c6cbc409c - net: sfp: add workaround for Realtek RTL8672 and RTL9601C chips
- f0b4f8476732 - net: sfp: add mode quirk for GPON module Ubiquiti U-Fiber Instant
cc @mbehun