Draft: feature/miniflux webapp
sets up the database and configures miniflux
the webapp currently has an issue in the lighttpd configuration, so it can not be used without changing the bind IP or opening an ssh tunnel to the router
Merge request reports
requested review from @mvasilek
assigned to @mvasilek
changed milestone to %Turris OS 6.1.0
changed milestone to %Turris OS 6.2.0
changed milestone to %Turris OS 6.3.0
added 238 commits
508a1177...3f073d3c - 231 commits from branch
- 521bbc48 - turris-webapps-miniflux: new package
- 7c7d82ed - miniflux-install: new package
- a9db7ef9 - turris-webapps-miniflux: restart lighttpd to reload config
- 844f984d - miniflux-install: add delay after starting pgsql
- a3c08162 - turris-webapps-miniflux: use miniflux's auth
- 7edd4a2b - miniflux-install: run under a path
- b46c40d9 - turris-webapps-miniflux: run under a path
Toggle commit list-
508a1177...3f073d3c - 231 commits from branch
sets up the database and configures miniflux the webapp currently has an issue in the lighttpd configuration, so it can not be used without changing the bind IP or opening an ssh tunnel to the routerWhat is the "issue in the lighttpd configuration"? Is the issue anything beyond configuring miniflux on an alternate port? Would you like a hand with this?
changed milestone to %Turris OS 6.4.0
sets up the database and configures miniflux the webapp currently has an issue in the lighttpd configuration, so it can not be used without changing the bind IP or opening an ssh tunnel to the routerWhat is the "issue in the lighttpd configuration"? Is the issue anything beyond configuring miniflux on an alternate port? Would you like a hand with this?
sets up the database and configures miniflux the webapp currently has an issue in the lighttpd configuration, so it can not be used without changing the bind IP or opening an ssh tunnel to the routerWhat is the "issue in the lighttpd configuration"? Is the issue anything beyond configuring miniflux on an alternate port? Would you like a hand with this?