Logging fixes
- Actually apply the logging which was set in reforis.config.prod
- Set logger to log to stderr (stdout is somehow ignored if combined with lighttpd)
After this apply you can observe the logs in stderr after starting lighttpd in foreground.
root@turris:~# /usr/sbin/lighttpd -D -f /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
DEBUG [mqtt.py:68] Reply listener is starting.
DEBUG [mqtt.py:238] Reply worker <ReplyListener(foris-client-reply-listener, started daemon 3042217348)> has started.
DEBUG [mqtt.py:71] Client connected.
DEBUG [mqtt.py:76] Subscribed to 1.
DEBUG [mqtt.py:76] Subscribed to 2.
DEBUG [mqtt.py:243] Sending thread <Thread(Thread-1 (_thread_main), started daemon 3041955204)> has started.
DEBUG [mqtt.py:212] Client sender connected to mqtt server.
DEBUG [mqtt.py:260] Sending message for 'foris-controller/0000000A00000214/request/web/action/get_data'.
DEBUG [mqtt.py:271] Using new reply_id 'ddf5dcf1-2eff-44ca-b278-22b261a23a4b
DEBUG [mqtt.py:216] Client sender published a message (mid=1).
DEBUG [mqtt.py:282] Sending msg for 'foris-controller/0000000A00000214/request/web/action/get_data'
DEBUG [mqtt.py:291] Message for 'foris-controller/0000000A00000214/request/web/action/get_data' was sent