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Bump v1.2.1

* Added & update translations
* Added ESLint import plugin to sort imports correctly
* Added Python interactive debugging guide
* Added webpack-bundle-analyzer
* Added new-password autocomplete attribute to password inputs
* Added CHANGELOG filled with existed tags & info
* Fixed translation messages strings
* Fixed uninitialized guideData
* Fixed typos and inconsistencies on the Packages page
* Fixed grammar and spelling mistakes in many places
* Fixed messages.pot template's header comment
* Fixed reForis react-styleguidist docs build
* Fixed sorting of countries by name
* Improved handling of loading translations
* Removed hardcoded setuptools version
* Removed obsolete auth section from reForis docs
* Replaced domain validation with hostname
* Refined Makefile
* Updated required NodeJS versiont to 14.x
* Updated Python image to v3.10.2
* Updated Node.js image to v14
* Updated Foris JS library to v5.3.0
* NPM update several dependencies
* NPM audit fix