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Verified Commit 4f350add authored by Oto Šťáva's avatar Oto Šťáva
Browse files

release v5.7.3

parent 3e2e203f
No related merge requests found
Pipeline #126047 passed with stages
in 32 seconds
with 4600 additions and 1 deletion
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
# Sphinx build info version 1
# This file hashes the configuration used when building these files. When it is not found, a full rebuild will be done.
config: aebb3028c63d0fb97dac04c2bee0b2ba
tags: 645f666f9bcd5a90fca523b33c5a78b7
This diff is collapsed.

93.7 KiB

This diff is collapsed.
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
.. _release_notes:
Release notes
Version numbering
Version number format is ``major.minor.patch``.
Knot Resolver does not use semantic versioning even though the version number looks similar.
Leftmost number which was changed signalizes what to expect when upgrading:
Major version
* Manual upgrade steps might be necessary, please follow instructions in :ref:`Upgrading` section.
* Major releases may contain significant changes including changes to configuration format.
* We might release a new major also when internal implementation details change significantly.
Minor version
* Configuration stays compatible with the previous version, except for undocumented or very obscure options.
* Upgrade should be seamless for users who use modules shipped as part of Knot Resolver distribution.
* Incompatible changes in internal APIs are allowed in minor versions. Users who develop or use custom modules
(i.e. modules not distributed together with Knot Resolver) need to double check their modules for incompatibilities.
:ref:`Upgrading` section should contain hints for module authors.
Patch version
* Everything should be compatible with the previous version.
* API for modules should be stable on best effort basis, i.e. API is very unlikely to break in patch releases.
* Custom modules might need to be recompiled, i.e. ABI compatibility is not guaranteed.
This definition is not applicable to versions older than 5.2.0.
.. include:: ../NEWS
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
.. _build:
Building from sources
.. note:: Latest up-to-date packages for various distribution can be obtained
from web `<>`_.
Knot Resolver is written for UNIX-like systems using modern C standards.
Beware that some 64-bit systems with LuaJIT 2.1 may be affected by
`a problem <>`_
-- Linux on x86_64 is unaffected but `Linux on aarch64 is
.. code-block:: bash
$ git clone --recursive
.. note:: This section lists basic requirements. Individual modules
might have additional build or runtime dependencies.
The following dependencies are needed to build and run Knot Resolver:
.. csv-table::
:header: "Requirement", "Notes"
"ninja", "*build only*"
"meson >= 0.49", "*build only* [#]_"
"C and C++ compiler", "*build only* [#]_"
"`pkg-config`_", "*build only* [#]_"
"libknot_ 3.0.2+", "Knot DNS libraries"
"LuaJIT_ 2.0+", "Embedded scripting language"
"libuv_ 1.7+", "Multiplatform I/O and services"
"lmdb", "Memory-mapped database for cache"
"GnuTLS", "TLS"
There are also *optional* packages that enable specific functionality in Knot
.. TODO cqueues is really used on multiple places, sometimes indirectly
.. csv-table::
:header: "Optional", "Needed for", "Notes"
"jemalloc_", "``daemon``", "Improve long-term memory consumption."
"nghttp2_", "``daemon``", "DNS over HTTPS support."
"libsystemd_", "``daemon``", "Systemd watchdog support."
"`libcap-ng`_", "``daemon``", "Linux capabilities: support dropping them."
"`lua-basexx`_", "``config tests``", "Number base encoding/decoding for Lua."
"`lua-http`_", "``modules/http``", "HTTP/2 client/server for Lua."
"`lua-cqueues`_", "some lua modules", ""
"cmocka_", "``unit tests``", "Unit testing framework."
"dnsdist_", "``proxyv2 test``", "DNS proxy server"
"Doxygen_", "``documentation``", "Generating API documentation."
"Sphinx_ and sphinx_rtd_theme_", "``documentation``", "Building this
"Texinfo_", "``documentation``", "Generating this documentation in Info
"breathe_", "``documentation``", "Exposing Doxygen API doc to Sphinx."
"libprotobuf_ 3.0+", "``modules/dnstap``", "Protocol Buffers support for
"`libprotobuf-c`_ 1.0+", "``modules/dnstap``", "C bindings for Protobuf."
"libfstrm_ 0.2+", "``modules/dnstap``", "Frame Streams data transport
"luacheck_", "``lint-lua``", "Syntax and static analysis checker for Lua."
"`clang-tidy`_", "``lint-c``", "Syntax and static analysis checker for C."
"luacov_", "``check-config``", "Code coverage analysis for Lua modules."
.. [#] If ``meson >= 0.49`` isn't available for your distro, check backports
repository or use python pip to install it.
.. [#] Requires ``__attribute__((cleanup))`` and ``-MMD -MP`` for
dependency file generation. We test GCC and Clang, and ICC is likely to work as well.
.. [#] You can use variables ``<dependency>_CFLAGS`` and ``<dependency>_LIBS``
to configure dependencies manually (i.e. ``libknot_CFLAGS`` and
Packaged dependencies
.. note:: Some build dependencies can be found in
On reasonably new systems most of the dependencies can be resolved from packages,
here's an overview for several platforms.
* **Debian/Ubuntu** - Current stable doesn't have new enough Meson
and libknot. Use repository above or build them yourself. Fresh list of dependencies can be found in `Debian control file in our repo <>`_, search for "Build-Depends".
* **CentOS/Fedora/RHEL/openSUSE** - Fresh list of dependencies can be found in `RPM spec file in our repo <>`_, search for "BuildRequires".
* **FreeBSD** - when installing from ports, all dependencies will install
automatically, corresponding to the selected options.
* **Mac OS X** - the dependencies can be obtained from `Homebrew formula <>`_.
.. note::
Knot Resolver uses `Meson Build system <>`_.
Shell snippets below should be sufficient for basic usage
but users unfamiliar with Meson Build might want to read introductory
article `Using Meson <>`_.
Following example script will:
- create new build directory named ``build_dir``
- configure installation path ``/tmp/kr``
- enable static build (to allow installation to non-standard path)
- build Knot Resolver
- install it into the previously configured path
.. code-block:: bash
$ meson setup build_dir --prefix=/tmp/kr --default-library=static
$ ninja -C build_dir
$ ninja install -C build_dir
At this point you can execute the newly installed binary using path ``/tmp/kr/sbin/kresd``.
.. note:: When compiling on OS X, creating a shared library is currently not
possible when using luajit package from Homebrew due to `#37169
Build options
It's possible to change the compilation with build options. These are useful to
packagers or developers who wish to customize the daemon behaviour, run
extended test suites etc. By default, these are all set to sensible values.
For complete list of build options create a build directory and run:
.. code-block:: bash
$ meson setup build_dir
$ meson configure build_dir
To customize project build options, use ``-Doption=value`` when creating
a build directory:
.. code-block:: bash
$ meson setup build_dir -Ddoc=enabled
... or change options in an already existing build directory:
.. code-block:: bash
$ meson configure build_dir -Ddoc=enabled
.. _build-custom-flags:
Customizing compiler flags
If you'd like to use customize the build, see meson's `built-in options
<>`_. For hardening, see ``b_pie``.
For complete control over the build flags, use ``--buildtype=plain`` and set
``CFLAGS``, ``LDFLAGS`` when creating the build directory with ``meson``
.. include:: ../tests/README.rst
.. _build-html-doc:
To check for documentation dependencies and allow its installation, use
``-Ddoc=enabled``. The documentation doesn't build automatically. Instead,
target ``doc`` must be called explicitly.
.. code-block:: bash
$ meson configure build_dir -Ddoc=enabled
$ ninja -C build_dir doc
Released tarballs are available from `<>`_
To make a release tarball from git, use the following command. The
.. code-block:: bash
$ ninja -C build_dir dist
It's also possible to make a development snapshot tarball:
.. code-block:: bash
$ ./scripts/
.. _packaging:
Recommended build options for packagers:
* ``--buildtype=release`` for default flags (optimization, asserts, ...). For complete control over flags, use ``plain`` and see :ref:`build-custom-flags`.
* ``--prefix=/usr`` to customize
prefix, other directories can be set in a similar fashion, see ``meson setup
* ``-Dsystemd_files=enabled`` for systemd unit files
* ``-Ddoc=enabled`` for offline documentation (see :ref:`build-html-doc`)
* ``-Dinstall_kresd_conf=enabled`` to install default config file
* ``-Dclient=enabled`` to force build of kresc
* ``-Dunit_tests=enabled`` to force build of unit tests
It's recommended to use the upstream system unit files. If any customizations
are required, drop-in files should be used, instead of patching/changing the
unit files themselves.
To install systemd unit files, use the ``-Dsystemd_files=enabled`` build option.
To support enabling services after boot, you must also link ```` to
.. code-block:: bash
ln -s ../ /usr/lib/systemd/system/
Trust anchors
If the target distro has externally managed (read-only) DNSSEC trust anchors
or root hints use this:
* ``-Dkeyfile_default=/usr/share/dns/root.key``
* ``-Droot_hints=/usr/share/dns/root.hints``
* ``-Dmanaged_ta=disabled``
In case you want to have automatically managed DNSSEC trust anchors instead,
set ``-Dmanaged_ta=enabled`` and make sure both ``keyfile_default`` file and
its parent directories are writable by kresd process (after package installation!).
Docker image
Visit `
<>`_ for instructions how to run
the container.
For development, it's possible to build the container directly from your git tree:
.. code-block:: bash
$ docker build -t knot-resolver .
.. _jemalloc:
.. _libuv:
.. _LuaJIT:
.. _Doxygen:
.. _breathe:
.. _Sphinx:
.. _sphinx_rtd_theme:
.. _Texinfo:
.. _pkg-config:
.. _libknot:
.. _cmocka:
.. _dnsdist:
.. _lua-basexx:
.. _lua-http:
.. _lua-cqueues:
.. _deckard:
.. _nghttp2:
.. _libsystemd:
.. _`libcap-ng`:
.. _dnstap:
.. _libprotobuf:
.. _libprotobuf-c:
.. _libfstrm:
.. _luacheck:
.. _clang-tidy:
.. _luacov:
.. _lcov:
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
Answer reordering
Certain clients are "dumb" and always connect to first IP address or name found
in a DNS answer received from resolver instead of picking randomly.
As a workaround for such broken clients it is possible to randomize
order of records in DNS answers sent by resolver:
.. function:: reorder_RR([true | false])
:param boolean new_value: ``true`` to enable or ``false`` to disable randomization *(optional)*
:return: The (new) value of the option
If set, resolver will vary the order of resource records within RR sets.
It is enabled by default since 5.3.0.
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
Debugging options
In case the resolver crashes, it is often helpful to collect a coredump from
the crashed process. Configuring the system to collect coredump from crashed
process is out of the scope of this documentation, but some tips can be found
`here <>`_.
Kresd uses its own mechanism for assertions. They are checks that should always
pass and indicate some weird or unexpected state if they don't. In such cases,
they show up in the log as errors. By default, the process recovers from those
states if possible, but the behaviour can be changed with the following options
to aid further debugging.
.. envvar:: debugging.assertion_abort = false|true
:return: boolean (default: false in meson's release mode, true otherwise)
Allow the process to be aborted in case it encounters a failed assertion.
(Some critical conditions always lead to abortion, regardless of settings.)
.. envvar:: debugging.assertion_fork = milliseconds
:return: int (default: 5 minutes in meson's release mode, 0 otherwise)
If a process should be aborted, it can be done in two ways. When this is
set to nonzero (default), a child is forked and aborted to obtain a coredump,
while the parent process recovers and keeps running. This can be useful to
debug a rare issue that occurs in production, since it doesn't affect the
main process.
As the dumping can be costly, the value is a lower bound on delay between
consecutive coredumps of each process. It is randomized by +-25% each time.
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
.. _dnssec-config:
DNSSEC, data verification
Good news! Knot Resolver uses secure configuration by default, and this configuration
should not be changed unless absolutely necessary, so feel free to skip over this section.
.. include:: ../daemon/lua/trust_anchors.rst
DNSSEC is main technology to protect data, but it is also possible to change how strictly
resolver checks data from insecure DNS zones:
.. include:: ../lib/layer/mode.rst
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
Experimental features
Following functionality and APIs are in continuous development.
Features in this section may changed, replaced or dropped in any release.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
Logging API
.. _config_log_groups:
.. doxygenfile:: lib/log.h
:project: libkres
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
Logging, monitoring, diagnostics
To read service logs use commands usual for your distribution.
E.g. on distributions using systemd-journald use command ``journalctl -u kresd@* -f``.
Knot Resolver supports 6 logging levels - ``crit``, ``err``, ``warning``,
``notice``, ``info``, ``debug``. All levels with the same meaning as is defined
in ``syslog.h``. It is possible change logging level using
:func:`log_level` function.
.. code-block:: lua
log_level('debug') -- too verbose for normal usage
Logging level ``notice`` is set after start by default,
so logs from Knot Resolver should contain only couple lines a day.
For debugging purposes it is possible to use the very verbose ``debug`` level,
but that is generally not usable unless restricted in some way (see below).
In addition to levels, logging is also divided into the
:ref:`groups <config_log_groups>`. All groups
are logged by default, but you can enable ``debug`` level for selected groups using
:func:`log_groups` function. Other groups are logged to the log level
set by :func:`log_level`.
It is also possible to enable ``debug`` logging level for particular requests,
with :ref:`policies <mod-policy-logging>` or as :ref:`an HTTP service <mod-http-trace>`.
Less verbose logging for DNSSEC validation errors can be enabled by using :ref:`mod-bogus_log` module.
.. py:function:: log_level([level])
:param: string ``'crit'``, ``'err'``, ``'warning'``, ``'notice'``,
``'info'`` or ``'debug'``
:return: string Current logging level.
Pass a string to set the global logging level.
.. py:function:: verbose([true | false])
.. deprecated:: 5.4.0
Use :func:`log_level` instead.
:param: ``true`` enable ``debug`` level, ``false`` switch to default level (``notice``).
:return: boolean ``true`` when ``debug`` level is enabled.
Toggle between ``debug`` and ``notice`` log level. Use only for debugging purposes.
On busy systems verbose logging can produce several MB of logs per
second and will slow down operation.
.. py:function:: log_target(target)
:param: string ``'syslog'``, ``'stderr'``, ``'stdout'``
:return: string Current logging target.
Knot Resolver logs to standard error stream by default,
but typical systemd units change that to ``'syslog'``.
That setting logs directly through systemd's facilities
(if available) to preserve more meta-data.
.. py:function:: log_groups([table])
:param: table of string(s) representing :ref:`log groups <config_log_groups>`
:return: table of string with currently set log groups
Use to turn-on debug logging for the selected groups regardless of the global
log level. Calling with no argument lists the currently active log groups. To
remove all log groups, call the function with an empty table.
.. code-block:: lua
log_groups({'io', 'tls'} -- turn on debug logging for io and tls groups
log_groups() -- list active log groups
log_groups({}) -- remove all log groups
Various statistics for monitoring purposes are available in :ref:`mod-stats` module, including export to central systems like Graphite, Metronome, InfluxDB, or Prometheus format.
Resolver :ref:`mod-watchdog` is tool to detect and recover from potential bugs that cause the resolver to stop responding properly to queries.
Additional monitoring and debugging methods are described below. If none of these options fits your deployment or if you have special needs you can configure your own checks and exports using :ref:`async-events`.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
*Forwarding* configuration instructs resolver to forward cache-miss queries from clients to manually specified DNS resolvers *(upstream servers)*. In other words the *forwarding* mode does exact opposite of the default *recursive* mode because resolver in *recursive* mode automatically selects which servers to ask.
Main use-cases are:
- Building a tree structure of DNS resolvers to improve performance (by improving cache hit rate).
- Accessing domains which are not available using recursion (e.g. if internal company servers return different answers than public ones).
- Forwarding through a central DNS traffic filter.
Forwarding implementation in Knot Resolver has following properties:
- Answers from *upstream* servers are cached.
- Answers from *upstream* servers are locally DNSSEC-validated, unless :func:`policy.STUB` is used.
- Resolver automatically selects which IP address from given set of IP addresses will be used (based on performance characteristics).
- Forwarding can use either unencrypted DNS protocol, or :ref:`tls-forwarding`.
.. warning::
We strongly discourage use of "fake top-level domains" like ``corp.`` because these made-up domains are indistinguishable from an attack, so DNSSEC validation will prevent such domains from working. If you *really* need a variant of forwarding which does not DNSSEC-validate received data please see chapter :ref:`dns-graft`. In long-term it is better to migrate data into a legitimate, properly delegated domains which do not suffer from these security problems.
Simple examples for **unencrypted** forwarding:
.. code-block:: lua
-- forward all traffic to specified IP addresses (selected automatically)
policy.add(policy.all(policy.FORWARD({'2001:db8::1', ''})))
-- forward only queries for names under domain to a single IP address
policy.add(policy.suffix(policy.FORWARD(''), {todname('')}))
To configure encrypted version please see chapter :ref:`tls-forwarding`.
Forwarding is documented in depth together with rest of :ref:`mod-policy`.
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
.. _network-configuration:
Networking and protocols
This section describes configuration of network interfaces
and protocols. Please keep in mind that DNS resolvers act
as *DNS server* and *DNS client* at the same time,
and that these roles require different configuration.
This picture illustrates different actors involved DNS resolution process,
supported protocols, and clarifies what we call *server configuration*
and *client configuration*.
.. image:: server_terminology.svg
*Attribution: Icons by Bernar Novalyi from the Noun Project*
For *resolver's clients* the resolver itself acts as a DNS server.
After receiving a query the resolver will attempt to find
answer in its cache. If the data requested by resolver's
client is not available in resolver's cache (so-called *cache-miss*)
the resolver will attempt to obtain the data from servers *upstream*
(closer to the source of information), so at this point the resolver
itself acts like a DNS client and will send DNS query to other servers.
By default the Knot Resolver works in recursive mode, i.e.
the resolver will contact authoritative servers on the Internet.
Optionally it can be configured in forwarding mode,
where cache-miss queries are *forwarded to another DNS resolver*
for processing.
Server (communication with clients)
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
Client (retrieving answers from servers)
Following chapters describe basic configuration of how resolver retrieves data from other *(upstream)* servers. Data processing is also affected by configured policies, see chapter :ref:`policies` for more advanced usage.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
DNS protocol tweaks
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
Privileges and capabilities
The kresd daemon requires privileges when it is configured to bind to
well-known ports. There are multiple ways to achieve this.
Using capabilities
The most secure and recommended way is to use capabilities and execute kresd as
an unprivileged user.
* ``CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE`` is required to bind to well-known ports.
* ``CAP_SETPCAP`` when this capability is available, kresd drops any extra
capabilities after the daemon successfully starts when running as
a non-root user.
Running as non-privileged user
Another possibility is to start the process as privileged user and then switch
to a non-privileged user after binding to network interfaces.
.. function:: user(name, [group])
:param string name: user name
:param string group: group name (optional)
:return: boolean
Drop privileges and start running as given user (and group, if provided).
.. tip:: Note that you should bind to required network addresses before
changing user. At the same time, you should open the cache **AFTER** you
change the user (so it remains accessible). A good practice is to divide
configuration in two parts:
.. code-block:: lua
-- privileged
user('knot-resolver', 'netgrp')
-- unprivileged
cache.size = 100*MB
Example output:
.. code-block:: lua
> user('baduser')
invalid user name
> user('knot-resolver', 'netgrp')
> user('root')
Operation not permitted
Running as root
.. warning:: Executing processes as root is generally insecure, as these
processes have unconstrained access to the complete system at runtime.
While not recommended, it is also possible to run kresd directly as root.
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
Process management
There following should be taken into consideration when running without systemd:
* To utilize multiple CPUs, kresd has to be executed as several independent
* Maintenance daemon(s) have to be executed separately.
* If a process crashes, it might be useful to restart it.
* Using some mechanism similar to :ref:`mod-watchdog` might be desirable to
recover in case a process becomes unresponsive.
Please note, systemd isn't the only process manager and other solutions exist,
such as supervisord_. Configuring these is out of the scope of this
document. Please refer to their respective documentations.
It is also possible to use kresd without any process management at all, which
may be suitable for some purposes (such as low-traffic local / home network resolver,
testing, development or debugging).
.. include:: ../utils/cache_gc/README.rst
.. _`supervisord`:
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
.. _usage-without-systemd:
Usage without systemd
.. tip:: Our upstream packages use systemd integration, which is the recommended
way to run kresd. This section is only relevant if you choose to use kresd
without systemd integration.
Knot Resolver is designed to be a single process without the use of threads.
While the cache is shared, the individual processes are independent. This
approach has several benefits, but it also comes with a few downsides, in
* Without the use of threads or forking (deprecated, see `#529`_), multiple
processes aren't managed in any way by kresd.
* There is no maintenance thread and these tasks have to be handled by separate
daemon(s) (such as :ref:`garbage-collector`).
To offset these these disadvantages without implementing process management in
kresd (and reinventing the wheel), Knot Resolver provides integration with
systemd, which is widely used across GNU/Linux distributions.
If your use-case doesn't support systemd (e.g. using macOS, FreeBSD, Docker,
OpenWrt, Turris), this section describes the differences and things to keep in
mind when configuring and running kresd without systemd integration.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
.. _`#529`:
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
Configuration Overview
Configuration file is named ``/etc/knot-resolver/kresd.conf`` and is read when
you execute Knot Resolver using systemd commands described in section
:ref:`quickstart-startup`. [#]_
.. _config-syntax:
The configuration file syntax allows you to specify different kinds of data:
- ``group.option = 123456``
- ``group.option = "string value"``
- ``group.command(123456, "string value")``
- ``group.command({ key1 = "value1", key2 = 222, key3 = "third value" })``
- ``globalcommand(a_parameter_1, a_parameter_2, a_parameter_3, etc)``
- ``-- any text after -- sign is ignored till end of line``
Following **configuration file snippet** starts listening for unencrypted and also encrypted DNS queries on IP address, and sets cache size.
.. code-block:: lua
-- this is a comment: listen for unencrypted queries
-- another comment: listen for queries encrypted using TLS on port 853
net.listen('', 853, { kind = 'tls' })
-- 10 MB cache is suitable for a very small deployment
cache.size = 10 * MB
.. tip::
When copy&pasting examples from this manual please pay close
attention to brackets and also line ordering - order of lines matters.
The configuration language is in fact Lua script, so you can use full power
of this programming language. See article
`Learn Lua in 15 minutes`_ for a syntax overview.
When you modify configuration file on disk restart resolver process to get
changes into effect. See chapter :ref:`systemd-zero-downtime-restarts` if even short
outages are not acceptable for your deployment.
.. [#] If you decide to run binary ``/usr/sbin/kresd`` manually (instead of
using systemd) do not forget to specify ``-c`` option with path to
configuration file, otherwise ``kresd`` will read file named ``config`` from
its current working directory.
Documentation Conventions
Besides text configuration file, Knot Resolver also supports interactive and dynamic configuration using scripts or external systems, which is described in chapter :ref:`runtime-cfg`. Through this manual we present examples for both usage types - static configuration in a text file (see above) and also the interactive mode.
The **interactive prompt** is denoted by ``>``, so all examples starting with ``>`` character are transcripts of user (or script) interaction with Knot Resolver and resolver's responses. For example:
.. code-block:: lua
> -- this is a comment entered into interactive prompt
> -- comments have no effect here
> -- the next line shows a command entered interactively and its output
> log_level()
> -- the previous line without > character is output from log_level() command
Following example demonstrates how to interactively list all currently loaded modules, and includes multi-line output:
.. code-block:: lua
> modules.list()
Before we dive into configuring features, let us explain modularization basics.
.. include:: ../daemon/bindings/modules.rst
Now you know what configuration file to modify, how to read examples and what modules are so you are ready for a real configuration work!
.. _`Learn Lua in 15 minutes`:
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
.. _performance:
Performance and resiliency
For DNS resolvers, the most important parameter from performance perspective
is cache hit rate, i.e. percentage of queries answered from resolver's cache.
Generally the higher cache hit rate the better.
Performance tunning should start with cache :ref:`cache_sizing`
and :ref:`cache_persistence`.
It is also recommended to run :ref:`systemd-multiple-instances` (even on a
single machine!) because it allows to utilize multiple CPU threads and
increases overall resiliency.
Other features described in this section can be used for fine-tunning
performance and resiliency of the resolver but generally have much smaller
impact than cache settings and number of instances.
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
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