0.5.1 protected
* Bugfix: Correct number of bytes written to output returned from ReponseProcessingData write method
0.5.0 protected
* Add 3 implementation specific fields for ASN, Country Code and TCP RTT to QueryResponse map * Bump C-DNS schema version to 1.0.1
0.4.1 protected
* Propagate output write errors (exceptions) to library's user * Bugfix: Fix handling of exceptions in destructors of library's classes
0.4.0 protected
* Add C-DNS decoder functionality * Remove dependency on libcbor * Add own partial CBOR encoder and decoder (should decrease the size of output data) * Refactor Timestamp structure * Refactor generic interface structures * Update README and documentation * Bugfix: Fix writing of Malformed messages * Bugfix: Fix indexes of items in Address event count map
0.3.0 protected
* Downgrade the library's code to C++14 standard * Rewrite CMake scripts to be compatible with CMake 3.5
0.2.0 protected
* Currently opened output file gets the ".part" sufix which is removed once the file is finished. * Minor fixes in Doxyfile