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BIRD is an (not only) IP routing daemon. Please use bird-users@network.cz mailing list to contact developers, fill the issues, etc. (Visit http://bird.network.cz/mailman/listinfo/bird-users to subscribe.)
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Tools to prepare U-Boot and secure fimware for Turris MOX
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Qt re-implementation of mobile Datovka.
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Slow-changing infrastructure data used by the Knot Resolver CI/CD pipelines, like OCI (Docker/Podman) images.
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Knot DNS is a high-performance authoritative-only DNS server which supports all key features of the domain name system including zone transfers and DNSSEC.
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Utility for flashing Turris Omnia's MCU firmware and otherwise interact with the MCU on the board.
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Miscellaneous small programs for router Turris, such as the thermometer, etc.