v6.2.4 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 6.2.4 📌 Updates • BIND updated to 9.18.11 (security update) • OpenSSL updated to 1.1.1t (security update)
v6.2.2 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 6.2.2 🐛 Bug Fixes • Fixed USB 3 port on Turris MOX module A • Fixed SDIO card for Turris MOX 📌 Updates • Updater-ng updated to version 70.1.0 • RIPE Atlas Software Probe updated to 5080
v6.2.1 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 6.2.1 🐛 Bug Fixes • Fixed reForis LAN page issue with missing DHCPv6 leases
v6.2.0 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 6.2.0 🚀 New Features * Redesigned WebApps * Syncthing integration 📌 Updates * Linux kernel updated to 5.15.86 * Bind updated to version 9.18.10
v6.1.0 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 6.1.0 💥 Breaking Changes * Linux kernel on Turris 1.X updated from 5.10 to 5.15 * Nextcloud now uses PHP 8 * PHP 8 doc_root changed to /srv/www 🚀 New Features * VLAN support for WAN interface in reForis * Credentials (username, password) support in OpenVPN reForis client * Improved support for PHP 8 * performance tweaks and added support for lighttpd 🐛 Bug Fixes * Fixed automatic Nextcloud updates without user approval in the UI * Fixed Turris Netboot to work with Turris OS 6 * Fixed Rainbow not saving brightness when set with the button 📌 Updates * Nextcloud updated to 23.0.11 * Snowflake updated to 2.4.1 * Python3 updated to 3.9.16
v6.0.4 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 6.0.4 💥 Breaking Changes * Dropped packages for old ISDN4Linux 🚀 New Features * Added 10k passwords from Turris Sentinel to common passwords * Added packages for LibreSpeed * Added package Snowflake * Added firmware package for AsiaRF AW7916-NPD * Added branch name to automatic snapshots 🐛 Bug Fixes * Fixed network diagnostics module * Fixed lighttpd module for rrdtool * Fixed inaccessible router through hostname when a client didn't send its hostname * Fixed crashing Sentinel FWLogs 📌 Updates * Christmas updated to be working with recent LEDs change * Linux kernel updated to 5.15.82 and 5.10.158 * PHP7 updated to 7.4.33 * PHP8 updated to version 8.0.25 * OpenSSL updated to 1.1.1s * wolfSSL updated to 5.5.3 (CVE 2022-42905) * SQLite3 updated to 3.40.0 * cronie updated to 1.6.1 * golang: updated to 1.18.9
v6.0.2 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 6.0.2 🚀 New Features • Added SSL variants for zabbix 📌 Updates • Updater-ng updated to 70.0.2 • Rainbow updated to 0.1.2 • Unbound updated to 1.17.0 • igmpproxy updated to 0.3 • tailscale updated to 1.24.2 • uriparser updated to 0.9.7 🐛 Bug Fixes • Adjust path for tar in maintain-config-backup script • Fixed missing icon in reForis menu for Nextcloud plugin • Fixed collisions in ffmpeg packages • Fixed collisions in pulseaudio packages • Fixed collisions between ttyd and mosquitto packages • Fixed kmod-ipt-nathelper-rtsp package with Linux kernel 5.15 • Fixed initial user creation for Nextcloud • Fixed Turris Diagnostics webs for Turris Shield 📦️ Other Changes • Foris backend for old data collection system uCollect was removed
v6.0.3 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 6.0.3 🚀 New Features • Added SFP and OpenVPN modules for diagnostics 📌 Updates • rainbow updated to version 0.1.3 • syncthing updated to version 1.19.2 • golang updated to version 1.18.8 • Linux kernel updated to 5.15.78 and 5.10.154 📦️ Other Changes • Switch to performance governor by default
v6.0.1 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 6.0.1 🚀 New Features • Added standalone snapshots web 📌 Updates • Python3 updated to 3.9.15 🐛 Bug Fixes • Fixed link for morce in package lists • Some packages like wireguard were missing/renamed in upstream • Provide smooth transition atleast for a few packages • Fix compatibility script for rainbow
v6.0 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 6.0 💥 Breaking Changes • Based on the latest OpenWrt 21.02.5 release • LuCI supports L2 and L3 configuration • LTS kernel 5.15 • Foris removed (use reForis exclusively now) • Lighttpd uses number prefixes for configuration files to ensure a predictable order 🚀 New Features • Morce (integrated IDS) • reForis Nextcloud plugin • Wi-Fi 6 cards supported • Turris Auth (login gateway) • PaKon moved to a separate page • New LEDs driver for all routers • Dashboard in LuCI • NetMetr supports measurement with IPv6 address • Improved support for Turris 1.x routers • New Device Tree • PowerPC SPE utilized – should improve performance • Knot Resolver by default 🐛 Bug Fixes • Allow managing interfaces in reForis for Turris 1.x • Fixed Ethernet ports numbering for Turris MOX in reForis 📌 Updates • Python version 3.7 ➔ 3.9 • Lighttpd version ➔ 1.4.67 • Nextcloud version ➔ 22.2.10 📦️ Other Changes • Obsolete SIDN package feed dropped
v5.4.5 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 5.4.5 Turris MOX specific release 🐛 Bug Fixes * updater-drivers: add detection of SDIO devices * sdio-no-tos6: new package for postponing Turris OS 6.0 update with SDIO WiFi
v5.4.4 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 5.4.4 📌 Updates • Kernel to version 4.14.294 • Knot Resolver to version 5.5.3 (CVE-2022-40188) • Unbound to version 1.16.3 (CVE-2022-3204) • BIND to version 9.16.33 (CVE-2022-2795, CVE-2022-3080, CVE-2022-38177, CVE-2022-38178)
v5.4.3 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 5.4.3 🐛 Bug Fixes • Fixed permission denied while installing packages 📌 Updates • Kernel to version 4.14.292 • Knot DNS to version 3.1.7 • Knot Resolver to version 5.5.2 • syslog-ng to version 3.38.1
v5.4.2 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 5.4.2 🐛 Bug Fixes • Fixed collision with libgd • Fixed collision with vim 📌 Updates • Kernel to version 4.14.291
v5.4.1 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 5.4.1 🐛 Bug Fixes • Fixed Unicode support in BusyBox • Fixed showing Turris OS versioning mismatch 📌 Updates • zlib to version 1.2.12
v5.4.0 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 5.4.0 💥 Breaking changes • PHP update to version 7.4 🚀 New Features • Timezone in email notifications 🐛 Bug Fixes • reForis fix session handling when time is wrong 📌 Updates • Nextcloud to version 21.0.9 • Unbound to version 1.16.2 • Kernel to version 4.14.290
v5.3.11 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 5.3.11 * Updated kernel to version 4.14.287 * Updated Knot Resolver to version 5.5.1 * Updated unbound to version 1.16.1 * Updated syslog-ng to version 3.37.1 * Updated bird2 to version 2.0.10 * Updated bind to version 9.16.30 * Updated wireguard to version 1.0.20220627 * Dropped moonjit in favor of upstream luajit package * Improvement for switch-branch to prevent downgrades * Fixed removing directories with local opkg install * Security fixes * netatalk * FFmpeg * libxml2 * OpenSSL * beep
v5.3.10 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 5.3.10 Turris OS 5.3.10 * Added Sentinel device token in reForis * Added PHY drivers for Turris 1.x routers * Updated USB device database * Updated RIPE Atlas SW probe * Updated kernel to version 4.14.280 * Security fixes * ecdsautils * postgresql
v5.3.9 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 5.3.9 * Based on the latest OpenWrt 19.07.10 * Added SANE drivers * Fixed expiration time for static leases in reForis * Fixed Turris 1.x specific issue regarding interfaces management in reForis * Updated ffmpeg to version 4.2.6 and added more decoders (fixes CVE-2020-22027) * Updated BIND to version 9.16.28 * Updated Knot Resolver to version 5.5.0 * Updated kernel to version 4.14.277 * Security fixes * wolfSSL * Zabbix * ruby
v5.3.8 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 5.3.8 * Updated kernel to version 4.14.275 * Multiple fixes for Turris 1.x routers * Fixed Foris Controller with a single Wi-Fi card * Force read-write to microSD card slot * Updated OUI database for MAC addresses