v4.0-beta9 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 4.0-beta9 foris-controller-openvpn-module: version bump to version 0.6.1
v3.11.6 protected
Released version 3.11.6 * iptables: security update (CVE-2019-11360) * knot-resolver, netdata, youtube-dl, foris, sentinel-certgen, wireguard, python3-idna, kernel: update * resolver-conf: add secondary IP for DNS server (IPv4 and IPv6) * turris-netboot: minor fixes and add parameter force * dev-detect: introduce a new lightweight version than pakon-dev-detect (opt-in)
v4.0-beta8 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 4.0-beta8 release foris: update to version 100.3 unbound: update to version 1.9.2 sentinel-certgen: update to version 6.1.3 foris-ws: fix init script pyzmq: update to version 18.0.2 mariadb: update to version 10.4.7 reForis: update to version 0.4.1 nextcloud: update to version 16.0.3 notification-system: update to version 0.2.2
v4.0-beta6 protected
Turris OS packages for Turris OS 4.0-beta6 release reForis: update to version 0.3.5 python-pyrsistent, python-cachetools, torsocks, python-sentry-sdk, python-markdown: remove it from our feed and use the upstream one foris-controller-storage-module: fix hardcoded paths turris-netboot: minor fixes foris+foris-subordinates: buttons fixes (Chrome compatibility)
v4.0-beta7 protected
Turris OS 4.0-beta7 release foris: version bump to 100.2 foris-ws: version bump to 1.6.1
v3.11.5 protected
Released version 3.11.5 • bind, libxslt, libpng, dovecot, gnutls, wget, samba4, tiff, suricata: security updates • schnapps, netdata, youtube-dl, libhtp, foris, syslog-ng, nextcloud, resolver-conf: update • python-certifi, python-urllib3, python3-pyroute2: new packages • foris: experimental centralized device management • kernel: update (CVE-2019-11477, CVE-2019-11478, CVE-2019-11479)
v3.11.4 protected
Released version 3.11.4 on 17th May 2019 mosquitto, libatsha204, libssh2, dovecot: security updates unbound, netdata, nextcloud, youtube-dl, ca-certificates, czmq: update python3-certifi, python3-urllib3: new packages pakon: minor fixes kernel: update
v3.11.3 protected
Released version 3.11.3 on 26th March 2019 • Foris: unification of themes across all Turris products • foris-controller-openvpn-module: compression logic updates • turris-netboot: initial support for booting Turris MOX over network • openssh, keepalived, tar, dovecot, curl, prosody, openssh, openssl, bind, tor: security updates • tvheadend, youtube-dl, wireguard, syslog-ng, unbound, netdata and various minor packages: update • lua-cqueues: add a new package • kernel: update • logread: fix • foris-pakon: fix for Safari