v6.0.0 protected Release: Release 6.0.0
Bump v6.0.0 * Add & update Weblate translations * Add Bootswatch v5.3.3 * Add window.matchMedia mocking to setupTests.js * Add Access-Control-Allow-Origin header globally * Redirect to HTTPS if available * Refactor Dark Mode * Refactor index.scss & styles to match common Turris Bootstrap theme * Refactor ThemeContext to improve theme handling and favicon change * Refactor Header items to use icons with tooltips * Refactor ErrorBoundary component for improved error handling and UI display * Set document language based on selected locale * Other improvements in styles and code * NPM audit fix
v5.0.1 protected Release: Release 5.0.1
Bump v5.0.1 * Change the naming of artifacts in GitLab CI/CD * NPM audit fix
v5.0.0 protected Release: Release 5.0.0
Bump v5.0.0 * Added & update Weblate translations * Migrated from react-scripts to Vite * Migrated mocked API calls to MSW * Migrated from Jest to Vitest * Migrated to Bootstrap 5 * Updated React to 18 * Updated packages to latest versions * Updated Node.js to 20 in CI/CD * Updated README.md * Other improvements in styles and code * Removed GitLab CI/CD unit test for coverage
v4.1.0 protected Release: Release 4.1.0
Release v4.1.0 * Added `.pre` stage to GitLab CI * Added GitLab CI/CD unit test for coverage * Added login and logout support for turris-auth * Reworked app icons and tooltips * Dropped unreleased section in Changelog * Changed primary color to Turris specific * Removed obsolete styles
v4.0.0 protected Release: Release 4.0.0
Release version 4.0.0 * Migrate to React.js * Add language switcher * Add GitLab CI * Other improvements
v3.7 protected
Bump v3.7 * Use color-scheme detection for theme * Sync translations with Turris OS * Improve cards transitions * Fix headline in README
v3.6 protected
Bump v3.6 * Add CSS loader * Add tabbing navigation * Refactor page loading stages * Handle special case with only one app
v3.4 protected
Bump v3.4 * Add light/dark favicon switch * Reduce app card's width size * Fix default's app focus outline unevenness * Fix "default" wording
v3.2 protected
Release version 3.2 * Fix shadows in Dark Mode * Reduce intro paddings * Style noscript warning * Fix dark-mode toggle on page load * Add dark-mode source js & update minified file
v3.1 protected
Release version 3.1 Fix default translations Remove obsolete icons Add color icons Update monochrome icons Add two columns on medium screens
v3.0 protected
Release version 3.0 * including redesign using bootstrap * minor fixes on backend (introduced @HOST@ notation) * some basic documentation